As I unterstand the issue you already successfully hide your HTML when there is no such gallery/image:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-image) ne '' )"]
But, since you do that in Toolset Layouts, the row, where the Visual Editor Cell is inserted, "displays" wether or not the content is empty.
There is no setting to display a row conditionally in the Layouts Guided User Interface (GUI)
However, you can remove what Toolset Layouts natively outputs, or wrap it in your custom HTML, if for example a Visual Editor Cell is empty.
Let me give you an example of the basics how you can create such a filter that then is added to your Themes functions PHP:
We use the Layouts filter "ddl_render_row_start", which allows to override the markup structure that is rendered for the row element in the grid.
add_filter( 'ddl_render_row_start', function( $markup, $args, $row, $renderer ){
$is_empty = false;//We assume first you have some content in the Visual Editors and want to render them
$cells = $row->find_cells_of_type( 'cell-text' ); //We find all cells, that are of type "cell-text" (Visual Editor)
if ( is_array( $cells ) && count( $cells ) > 0 ) { //IF there are such cells
foreach ( $cells as $cell ) { //For each Visual Editor Cell (no matter if on differnt rows)
$content = $cell->get('content'); //Get the content of those Visual Editors
if( '' === $content ){ //If that content is empty
$is_empty = true; //Set the $is_empty to true (Visual Editor is empty, has no content)
break; //Stop iteration
if( $is_empty ){ //If we had a empty Visual Editor we modify the outout html and add a class "hidden". Additional HTMNL classes/id are still used as set in the Layouts settings.
//you can modify this as you like
<<?php echo $args['tag']; ?> class="hidden <?php if ($args['additionalCssClasses']) { echo $args['additionalCssClasses']; } ?>"<?php if ($args['cssId']) { echo ' id="' . $args['cssId'] . '"'; } ?>><div class="<?php printf('%s', $args['container_class']) ?>"><div class="<?php echo $args['row_class'] . $args['type']; ?>"><?php
$markup = ob_get_clean(); //Populate the new HTML markup with what we set above in the ob_cache
return $markup; //return it to the layotu to apply
}, 99, 4 );
I suggest to have only ONE Visual Editor in the layout, so you can make sure that all the other content is still rendered (see in the code sample we apply this only for Visual editor Cells).
If you require help with this customization, I suggest to consult the list of external developers here: