I am trying to build a map with leaflet plugin, but the <wpv-loop> shortcode breaks the plugin shortcodes.
In deed, the "map" and "marker" shortcodes must be consecutive in order to load correctly.
[leaflet-map fitbounds]
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
[leaflet-marker address="[types field='coordonnees' separator=', '][/types]"]<strong>[types field="localisation"][/types]</strong> ([wpv-post-taxonomy type="ville" format="name"], [wpv-post-taxonomy type="province" format="name"], [wpv-post-taxonomy type="region" format="name"])[/leaflet-marker]
<!-- wpv-loop-end -->
<strong>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]Aucun incident pour cette requête.[/wpml-string]</strong>
In the codes you mentioned above, there is a custom shortcode [leaflet-marker].
If it is created by other plugin (leaflet plugin), please check these:
Go to Toolset->Settings and click on the Front-end Content tab, in section "Third-party shortcode arguments": add the shortcode name: leaflet-marker, and test again.
See our document:
Third-party shortcode arguments
Hello and thank you,
I have just done that with no result.
Thank you.
I assume we are talking about the plugin download from:
I have tested it in my localhost, it seems that this plugin does not support shortcode in shortcode feature:
Using other shortcode as the attribute "address' value.
I don't think we can fix the problem of other plugins, it is out the range of Toolset support.
I suggest you try with Toolset Map plugin to setup the Google map, which is full compatible with other Toolset plugins.
Here is the document about "Displaying a Map with a List of Markers, Coming From a View":
For your reference.
Thank you,
In deed the plugin's shortcodes seem to be broken by the separation of the map and the markers shortcode, which is caused by the toolset loop.
The toolset maps plugin is great but lacks a lot of functionalities (as heatmap, or shapes for instance). That is why I was looking around for another solution.
Thank you.
I assume we are talking about these:
Heatmap Layer
lien caché
lien caché
If it is, you are right, there aren't such kinds of feature within Toolset Maps plugin, I suggest you add a feature request for them:
Our developers will evaluate it.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!