Hi Support Team,
I have a user registration form:
lien caché
I'd like the username it generates to be a specific format. Other fields in the form are:
First Name
Last Name
I'd like the generated username to be in the form:
Is this possible using cred forms?
I've tried to use jQuery in the form as follows:
var company = document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-5-1559428536").value;
var fname = document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-3-1559428536").value;
var lname = document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-4-1559428536").value;
document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-1-1559428536").value = company + "-" + fname + "-" + lname ;
jQuery("#cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-5-1559428536, #cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-3-1559428536, #cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-4-1559428536").change(function(){
company = document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-5-1559428536").value;
fname = document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-3-1559428536").value;
lname = document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-4-1559428536").value;
document.getElementById("cred_user_form_48232_2-textfield-1-1559428536").value = company + "-" + fname + "-" + lname ;
1 - this causes other jQuery items on the page not to load
2 - the last part of the id (1559428536) changes every time I save the form so the id isn't ever right.
If you have a way to make this work it would be much appreciated.
I've received an notification of a reply by email, but the reply isn't showing up in here. I can follow use the email for my solution but it seems like there's a bug in the support system you might want to look at.
I remember I have answered this ticket yesterday:
Using Form API action hook cred_save_data to update the user's login name with PHP codes.
It seems to be a mistake that the answer was trashed and lost, sorry for the inconvenience, please let me know if you need more assistance for it. thanks
Thanks for your help. FYI your original reply was:
In your case, it needs custom codes, for example:
1) When user submit the user form for creating user, you can use action hook cred_save_data to trigger a custom PHP function
2) In this PHP function, get all those three custom user field values:
- Email
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
Generate the new user username, and update the database:
user_login A string that contains the user's username for logging in. Please note that the function cannot alter this field, since WordPress does not allow usernames to be changed.
There is a mistake in above answer, you need to setup custom PHP codes to update the user login name, see the thread link I mentioned above:
For your reference.
I've tried to make this update the nickname as follows:
add_action('cred_save_data', 'my_save_data_action',10,2);
function my_save_data_action($new_user_id, $form_data)
// if a specific form
if ($form_data['id']==48232)
$usercompany = get_post_meta($new_user_id, 'wpcf-user-company', true);
if(isset($_POST['first_name']) && isset($_POST['last_name'])){
update_user_meta( $new_user_id, 'nickname', $usercompany."-".$_POST['first_name']."-".$_POST['last_name']);
The usercompany is not coming through into the nickname though so I end up with -firstname-lastname
I guess there's something wrong with my get_post_meta line.
My other problem is that I wanted to make this update the username but the WordPress codex says:
user_login A string that contains the user's username for logging in. Please note that the function (wp_update_user) cannot alter this field, since WordPress does not allow usernames to be changed.
That was one reason I was trying to do it with jQuery on the frontend prior to form submission.
I might be able to utilize the nickname instead but would prefer to set the username if possible.
Right, I was still writing my answer when you answered the previous...
So I see that should be a solution to updating the username - I'll give it a try.
So can you just help on the reason the user_company field isn't getting passed into the $usercompany variable.
It's going to be user get_user_meta instead of get_post_meta isn't it...
Yes, you are right, since it is a WordPress user field, you need to use get_user_meta function:
My issue is resolved now. Thanks for your help.
The final function I now have in my child theme functions.php is
/* Registration form - Set the Username and Nickname to company-firstname-lastname */
add_action('cred_save_data', 'my_save_data_action',10,2);
function my_save_data_action($new_user_id, $form_data)
// if a specific form
if ($form_data['id']==48232)
if(isset($_POST['first_name']) && isset($_POST['last_name'])){
$first_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['first_name']);
$last_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['last_name']);
$usercompany = sanitize_text_field(get_user_meta($new_user_id, 'wpcf-user-company', true));
$my_nickname = $usercompany . "-" . $first_name . "-" . $last_name;
$my_username = strtolower($my_nickname);
update_user_meta( $new_user_id, 'nickname', $my_nickname);
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('user_login' => $my_username), array('ID' => $new_user_id));