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Enabling Legacy Version of Toolset Views

By default, the Toolset Views plugin works with Gutenberg blocks. If needed, you can also enable its legacy mode which is based on shortcodes.

The legacy version of Toolset Views allows you to do a few things that are currently not possible with block-based Views. Most notably, this includes displaying nested Views, displaying a list of taxonomies, and displaying a list of users.

The best thing is that you can use both modes on the same site at the same time.

Enabling Legacy Views

  1. Go to ToolsetSettings and scroll to the Editing experience section.
  2. Select the option to show both the legacy and Blocks interface.
Enabling the legacy Views interface in Toolset Settings

Using Legacy Views

Now, you can access the new ToolsetViews page which is otherwise hidden. It lists all Views on your site and allows you to create legacy Views.

As legacy Views interface uses shortcodes instead of blocks, editors are based on HTML and the editing experience is completely different.

Legacy View’s main settings

Legacy View’s Loop and Loop Item editors

Inserting Legacy Views Into Block-based Pages

  1. Edit the page or a post and insert the Toolset Fields and Text block.
  2. Click the Add Field or View button.
  3. In the pop-up dialog that appears, scroll to the Post View section and click the name of the legacy View you want to insert.
  4. In the next step, select additional View options if needed and click the Insert shortcode button.

Legacy Views Documentation

As the legacy Views workflow is completely different than the block-based one, its documentation is not part of the regular, lesson-based Toolset documentation.

You can find it in the Toolset Views section of our legacy features documentation.