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[Gelöst] Unable to Update Plugins

This support ticket is created vor 3 Jahren, 5 Monaten. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

This is the technical support forum for Toolset - a suite of plugins for developing WordPress sites without writing PHP.

Everyone can read this forum, but only Toolset clients can post in it. Toolset support works 6 days per week, 19 hours per day.

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Supporter timezone: Africa/Casablanca (GMT+01:00)

Dieses Thema enthält 32 Antworten, hat 3 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Jamal vor 3 Jahren, 5 Monaten.

Assistiert von: Jamal.


The logs are already activated on this website. But nothing interesting for our case was logged so far. Only some deprecations are not related to the updates.

The only thing, I can suspect right now is the PHP version. This website has PHP8, while Toolset plugins do not support it yet. Check our requirements page
Can you switch to PHP 7.4 and try again?


I changed PHP to 7.4 and still no good.

I even contacted SpinupWP, and they said that they cannot provide plugin support and the same was true with Vultr host also. In fact, they also said what Vultr host had previously said:

It looks like other users report this issue when there is a problem with their Toolset credentials/license. And it this one case a manual download resolved the issue:

One thing that is worth noting that the problem is specific to Toolset only, not other plugins or themes. If indeed there was a problem with my hosting, then none of the other plugins or themes would have updated.

But in this case, I tried not one but three different hosts with Linode being the oldest, DigitalOcean being in the middle and Vultr being the youngest. It is highly unlikely that their hosting set up would deliberately block updates from Toolset and not others.

At this stage, I am also clueless about where the problem lies as it is specific to Toolset only, and I am not the only one who has reported this problem. Several other users have also reported this problem.


In continuation to my previous reply, I briefed SpinupWP team about the problem in detail and here is what they replied:

I agree with Toolset support that - based on the debugging you've done by porting your installation to different environments - it does point to an issue with the hosting configuration. However, their error message "Download failed. Forbidden" does not give us very much information. Perhaps there is a debugging mode you can enable to provide extended logs.

Without knowing the ins and outs of Toolset it is hard to know what might be causing this issue. I might suggest comparing PHP and NGINX configuration files between an environment that functions as expected and the environment set up via SpinupWP.

Docs regarding those configuration files can be found here:
versteckter Link
versteckter Link

One thing to note is that SpinupWP does take additional steps to harden your server. Perhaps if Toolset is using one of the riskier functions (`disabled_functions` in php.ini) that could be causing a failure.

You may wish to inform your developers about the same.

In the interim, something has happened and all the Toolset plugins got updated automatically. A few moments ago, I received WordPress auto update emails for all the sites.

Just to let you know, all the sites are running PHP 8 and the one that I had changed this morning to 7.4, I had reverted it back to PHP 8.

I am trying to recall what exactly has changed.


I wanted to try updating with wp-cli too but it did not work. First, I deleted then installed a previous version of Forms, and I was able to update from Toolset Installer on the first try. All subsequent tries have failed.

I deleted the plugin again and I tried to install it without success. Then, I installed the previous version and tried to update, using wp-cli, to no avail.

I searched throughout the code to find where the "Download Failed. Forbidden" message is generated to no avail.

Let me approach our 2nd Tiers for assistance and get back to you. Please keep the credentials to this test server unchanged.


Thanks for the update.

All the credentials will remain unchanged. You or your team is free to make any changes to help reach the root of this problem.


I think I might have found the culprit, but not very much sure.

This MainWP parent & child plugins can interfere with plugin updates, especially Toolset. I don't know yet why they are targeting Toolset plugins, but I noticed that after disabling both these plugins, the updates work as desired.

Like I said, I am not 100% sure if the problem is because of MainWP, it could be something else also.


Thank you for your feedback. However, I am sorry, I don't understand what you meant.

I searched online about MainWP, and it seems to work using two plugins(MainWP Dashboard, and MainWP Child), but I don't see any of them installed on the staging site. Are these plugins hidden on the staging site or are they used by another plugin(SpinupWP as an example)? Or have you tried it on a different site?

I don't think that the 2nd Tier has a chance to look at this yet, but any additional information will definitely help.


MainWP Dashboard has to be installed on clean & standalone site, whereas MainWP Child needs to be installed on the child sites.

I believe that after adding these plugins, the problem started, but as soon as I removed them, the updates started working again.

As of 22 Sept, I had removed MainWP Child from all the sites.

But like I said, I am not sure if the problem is related to MainWP or something else.


Just wanted to let you know that the possibility of MainWP causing problems is very less.

Even after uninstalling MainWP plugins, I was unable to update Toolset Maps with the "Download Failed" message.

I believe the 2nd Tier support will be the best to figure out the exact cause.


I totally, I agree. I don't think MainWP is part of the issue as I reproduced the issue on your server without it. I am still waiting for the 2nd Tiers or developers feedback about this.

Thank you for keeping the server up and the credentials unchanged. Can you, just, ask your hosting provider to activate PHP7.4 on it. I am afraid, it may take some time if a developer asks it. So, let's have it there, to be compliant with Toolset requirements.


Not a problem.

I have changed the site's PHP to 7.4.



Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

As Jamal is not available, let me step-in here.

Could you please try to follow the following steps - that will allow you couple of more downloads. We already reported the issue and its known to us and our Devs will work on it in order to resolve it.

- Login to the affected site as admin
- Go to /wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=commercial
- Click on Unregister Toolset from this site to remove the old key from the site
- Go to
- Delete the old key (existing site key) for the affected site
- Go back to the admin of the affected site
- Click on Register Toolset
- Click on Get a key for this site to create a new site key for the affected site
- Register Toolset on the site

These steps will grant two more downloads for each Toolset plugin.


The problem is for all the sites, but at the moment Jamal and me are working it out with site.

I followed the above steps and now the Toolset plugins is showing as up to date.

Do you suggest that I repeat these steps for the rest of the sites also?



Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

As Jamal is not available, let me step-in here.

Could you please try to follow the following steps - that will allow you couple of more downloads. We already reported the issue and its known to us and our Devs will work on it in order to resolve it.

- Login to the affected site as admin
- Go to /wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=commercial
- Click on Unregister Toolset from this site to remove the old key from the site
- Go to
- Delete the old key (existing site key) for the affected site
- Go back to the admin of the affected site
- Click on Register Toolset
- Click on Get a key for this site to create a new site key for the affected site
- Register Toolset on the site

These steps will grant two more downloads for each Toolset plugin.


Yes, I heard you at first in (Reply #2182985) and also followed the steps you mentioned (Reply #2183039).

Shall I repeat these steps for the rest of the sites ?