Tell us what you are trying to do?
I've just allowed a custom post 'EVENTS' to be translatable in WPML and everything seems to be fine.. except a few things
The slider images are not showing up in the BANNER (wide images below the header) and the Galler Images (the sidebar)
Here's the English content .. versteckter Link
and here's the arabic... versteckter Link
Please advise what's wrong... could you also check with WPML if it's something to do with their settings? If you want I could create another ticket on their site too.. do let me know if that's a better option..
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
Hello, can you provide more information?
- Is the Content Template for the Events post type translated?
- Is the custom field that contains the images set to be translated, copied, not translated, etc?
- Are you using the WPML Media Translation plugin?
Hi Christian
Thanks for the update.. here's a few answers to your questions..
- Is the Content Template for the Events post type translated?
the post type 'Events' is translatable.. and I am assuming the Content Template too is translatable as the rest of the content was translated.
But to reconfirm I went in to the Content TEmplates for Events and found the MULTILINGUAL CONTENT SETUP and checked on the 'Make Content Templates Translatable' as it was not checked..
(screenshot attached.. here's the link
Do I need to now create a CONTENT TEMPLATE in arabic and then use that content template for all arabic translations of Event custom Posts? Please do confirm.. as I was assuming it's like regular posts where everything seems to happen by default.
- Is the custom field that contains the images set to be translated, copied, not translated, etc?
These were not set to translate.. so I changed the setting now and set them to translates
screenshot attach and here's the link ..
BUT for some strange reason when I change the radio button to Translate and click on save it reverts back to the DON'T TRANLATE setting..
- Are you using the WPML Media Translation plugin?
The WPML Media plugin is active.. but I don't know if I am using it.. the Multilingual CMS plugin seems to be deactivated but I am not sure why..
Hope these responses help you in figuring out the issues..
Hi Christian
Any update on this?
Please do let me know if you need to have admin access to the site..
Hello, sorry for the delay. I was out for the holidays and our coverage was a bit thin. I'm looking into this now.
Do I need to now create a CONTENT TEMPLATE in arabic and then use that content template for all arabic translations of Event custom Posts? Please do confirm.. as I was assuming it's like regular posts where everything seems to happen by default.
It's not necessary. In a similar setup, I have one Content Template in the original language. It is not translated, and the image slider appears in both languages as expected.
BUT for some strange reason when I change the radio button to Translate and click on save it reverts back to the DON'T TRANLATE setting..
That's unusual. It might be best for me to log in to take a closer look. Normally once the post is translated with the custom field set to be translated, the image slider works as expected.
I will activate private fields here.
Also once you figure out the issue and resolve it, I'd appreciate some guidance on the best practices for WPML and Toolset compatibility.. need not be very detailed..;-)..
Just that I have not made any updates to WPML and I assumed that Toolset custom posts would be translatable based on the same settings as we have for the regular POSTS.. if there's something I need to do in addition please do let me know or even a link to some documentation would help..
I think I should have shared the links to the related content templates and I forgot in the earlier message .. so here they are..
This is the CONTENT TEMPLATE that I was referring too..
versteckter Link
and this is the link to the EVENT Custom Post that's translated..
versteckter Link
Do let me know if you need anything else..
Thanks, there appears to be a problem where the sliders are miscalculating the transition and image sizes. The images are loaded on the page, they just aren't displayed properly. So I don't think it's a configuration issue with WPML translation settings, I think there could be a problem with sliders in RTL sites, but I'm not sure yet so I'm setting up some test scenarios in a local environment. I will keep you posted here.
HI Christian
Thanks for the update..:-).. I will wait for the update.. I am glad it's not any issue with WPML coz that sounded a bit complicated..;-)..
I had one request.. I know I should be creating another ticket for this and if you insist I will.. but as you are already on the same content template, could you please check this other minor but annoying issue?
In the EVENTS content template I have a Conditional Container for 'RESCHEDULED DATES' which has the setting that IF the start-date for 'Rescheduled Dates' custom field is NOT empty then it should display..
But for some strange reason, I can't seem to get it to work.. I've tried changing it and resetting it and it just doesn't seem to work.. It's this container..
If the event is not rescheduled then the start dates would not have any value and hence the contents of this field would not be displayed.. that's the logic..
Do let me know if you can advise me on what I am doing wrong..
Okay after running a few tests in my local environment, I can confirm it seems to be a problem with sliders in RTL language sites and not necessarily a WPML configuration issue. I was able to create a new site in Arabic and see the same problem with image sliders even without WPML active. I have escalated this issue to my 2nd tier team for additional investigation, and I will keep you updated here as I receive more information about the fix for this problem.
Regarding the conditional, the first thing I would try is to check the Content Template "View with" setting up at the top of the CT editor page (screenshot attached). I've seen some strange issues where the post selected as the preview in the CT editor causes problems when the custom field used in dynamic sources or conditionals has no value. If you select a post that contains some value in the date field, it might solve that problem. Select a post that has some value for the date field, then resave the CT and test again on the front-end of the site. If this does not solve the issue, I will be glad to take a closer look. I will split out a separate ticket so we can investigate in more detail.
Hi Christian..:-)..
Here's wishing you a happy new year..:-)..
Thanks for the update.. I'll wait for your further updates on the progress of your team in resolving the bug..
In the meantime, the other issue regarding the CONDITIONAL CONTAINER is resolved.. it was my mistake.. I had used the [wpv-conditional] tags inside the conditional container for a custom html and had missed out the closing [/wpv-conditional] tag there.. realised it while I was copying the code to send to you..;-).. sorry for the false alarm on that one..
Have a nice year ahead..:-)..
Happy New Year to you as well, I hope you have a healthy and prosperous 2021! Just a quick update to let you know my 2nd tier team has escalated this issue to our developers and I will continue to update you here as I receive more information.
Our developers have informed me that the fix for this issue will be included in the upcoming Blocks 1.4 / Views 3.4 release. I'll keep you posted here as I receive more information about that release schedule.
Hello, the fix for this issue is included in today's releases of Views and Blocks. If you have not yet been prompted to update in wp-admin, you can trigger the update by going to Plugins > Add New > Commercial tab, and click "Check for updates" in the Toolset installer area.