I have been on this all day now, I despair ...
On this page, versteckter Link
It's displaying Keeper's info for the Avon Fishery so it's all good.
However for the galleries, I can't see that is possible. It is asking me to create a view as I have repeatable groups (image + caption) but I can't filter the view so it only show one particular gallery, Avon in this instance.
I had a go with a Modal but with no luck, it doesn't seem to be able to do this.
Basically something like this but instead of opening a detail page, it opens a lightbox
Portfolio – Three Column Grid Simple
Now I have added a portfolio modal it has created a mess as I have custom fields I don't need, slugs which I can't use anymore etc ... which I don't want, and I don't seem to be able to get rid of them.
Thanks loads for your help
Thanks for the details, I can login your website, I assume we are talking about this case:
page versteckter Link is a normal wordpress page, and you are going to display another Fishery post(ID 6150) information.
One-to-many relationship between post types "Fishery" and "Fishery gallery"
in post type "Fishery gallery", there is a repeatable field group "Gallery Images"( custom fields "Image" + "Caption")
You are going to display related "Gallery Images" in that page:
versteckter Link
Toolset repeatable field groups are based on one-to-many relationship, so each "Gallery Images" item is also a single post.
So the post type structure likes this:
- Grand parent post type "Fishery"
- Parent post type "Fishery gallery"
- Child post type "Gallery Images"
So it needs a nested view, for example:
1) Parent post view:
- query "Fishery" posts
- filter by:
Select posts in a Fisheries Galleries relationship that are related to Avon. see screenshot filter1.JPG
- in section "Loop Editor", display below child view
2) Child view:
- query "Gallery Images" posts (Toolset repeatable field groups are based on one-to-many relationship, so each "Gallery Images" item is also a single post)
- filter by:
Select items from the Gallery images group that are a related to the current post in the loop. see screenshot filter2.JPG
- in section "Loop Editor", display the custom fields: "Image" + "Caption"
Luo this was super useful thank you so much!!
Just a couple of things I am having issues with still (Yes, I have been on this for 2 days!)
versteckter Link
1 - There are only two images uploaded for this gallery, it is showing the first one twice I can't work out why
2 - 'No item found' is showing even though there are images
Thanks for your help Luo
Sorry I forgot one!
3 - Trying to link an image to a lightbox, I put a link around the code but on the front page the cursor stays as it is (I am not getting the little hand)
[types field="gallery-photo"][/types]
[types field="photo-caption"][/types]
versteckter Link
Hi Luo
OK I have been on this like 3 days this is madness, and I am about to have a nervous breakdown.
First time around, I had the 1) and 2) issues I mentioned earlier. I managed to fix 3) - But then just don't know what happened.
I get 'no items found' showing 3 times.
I went over and over again your explanation, again and again, I just can't see where i am going wrong. A couple of bits are confusing for me.
I'd better leave it until you get back, I might end up breaking the whole site trying to fiddle with it.
Please help
Thank you
Dear Nathalie,
I have tried your website credentials again, I can login your website, but can not visit WordPress admin side, it keeps on redirecting me to the login page, so can not check the views setting, please check it, make sure it is a valid admin account.
And I suggest you backup your website first, and disable all other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme 2019, in case there is any other compatibility issue in your website.
Hi Luo
I am having the same issue : (
I had a problem with the login page, see here - https://toolset.com/forums/topic/setting-the-login-form-layout-to-appear-on-the-my-account-page-for-visitors/
No idea how to fix this now, I guess I need help with this also now
As I mentioned above:
Please disable all other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme 2019, in case there is any other compatibility issue in your website.
If you still need assistance for it, please backup your website, and provide FTP access.
The login problem still persists, here are detail steps:
1) Goto URL you mentioned in private message box:
versteckter Link
It redirect me to "My account" page:
versteckter Link
2) Then go to dashboard URL
versteckter Link
It redirect me to "My account" page again, and logout
See screenshot: My-account.JPG
I suggest you provide a copy of your website in below private message box, I can try to debug the problem in my localhost. thanks
Thanks Luo
I can't see an option for private message - Here is the link versteckter Link
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!