Hi Alim,
Thanks for the update and glad that my messages helped.
To make these 3 sections more dynamic and easier to manage, you can follow these steps:
1. From your actual page "ParfumPlus : Vol 8 Issue 2", delete the existing view blocks for these 3 sections:
- Current Issue Cover
- Current Issue Editorspeak
- Current Issue Articles
You can also delete these views from WP Admin -> Toolset -> Views.
2. Create 3 separate pages, which will hold one view for each of these sections:
a) Current Issue Cover
On this page, you'll create a new view to show the Issue posts, similar to the one you've created earlier to show the current issue's cover.
The only difference would be that in the "Query Filter" section you'll include a post ID filter, linked to "ids" shortcode attribute.
( example screenshot: versteckter Link )
b) Current Issue Editorspeak
On this page, you'll create a new view to show the Editorspeak post, similar to the one you've created earlier, to show the related issue's Editorspeak.
In this view's "Query Filter" section you'll include a post-relationship filter, linked to "issueeditorspeak" shortcode attribute, for the "Issues Editorspeak" relationship.
( example screenshot: versteckter Link )
c) Current Issue Articles
On this page, you'll create a new view to show the Article posts, similar to the one you've created earlier, to show the related issue's Articles.
In this view's "Query Filter" section you'll include a post-relationship filter, linked to "issuearticle" shortcode attribute, for the "Issues Articles" relationship.
( example screenshot: versteckter Link )
Once these views are ready, you can include them in your actual page "ParfumPlus : Vol 8 Issue 2", through the "wpv-view" shortcode in a "Fields and Text" block, like this:
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views/views-shortcodes/#wpv-view )
[wpv-view name="Current Issue Cover" ids="123"]
[wpv-view name="Current Issue Editorspeak" issueeditorspeak="123"]
[wpv-view name="Current Issue Articles" issuearticle="123"]
Note: You'll replace 123, with the ID of actual target Issue post.
This, way you'll be able to reuse these views on separate pages for each issue, by just replacing the ID in the "wpv-view" shortcode.