Hi 🙂
I'm having problems displaying the correct blog post information [featured image and custom fields] from a view > in blog archives.
I need to display information on top of the featured image, so I created a view with featured image as a div background and added some custom fields inside the div.
But when I insert this view in the archive loop, it's not showing the correct image or custom field content.
I've tried to copy the same method that was used for the custom post type "Psykologhuse", that solved the same/similar problem from this ticket https://toolset.com/forums/topic/post-type-template-width-and-featured-image-background/
You can see it here, I inserted the view in the bottom of the archive post loop: lien caché
The featured image at the top is correct, the small image with text on it is from the view and not correct.
Thank you for your time
Have a nice day