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Displaying Content Types

So far, we have set up the basic structures for our site on the backend. Next, let’s see how custom content types are actually displayed on the front-end.

How Content is Displayed

A look at how content is generally displayed in WordPress, including how templates and archives work.

Creating Templates to Display Custom Posts

By default, WordPress and your site's theme will display custom posts in a very simple way. This is why you need to design templates for displaying them. These templates can display any information you want, including your custom fields and taxonomies.

Creating a Custom Archive Page

In WordPress, every custom post type, taxonomy and taxonomy term automatically gets an archive page. This page displays all items belonging to that type, taxonomy or term. Of course, you can easily design and customize archive pages with Toolset.

Creating a View

In Toolset, a custom list of posts is called a View. You can list any content and design the list in any way you want. You can also add custom search to it, or display posts on a map or as a slider. You do all of this visually from the WordPress Block Editor.