Other questions:
1 - So, in some pages I need to display a list of the Profile post about the users that have a specific Role, or order the Profile posts putting on top of the list the Profile posts about the users that have a specific Role.
Hi Nigel,
thanks, but, where in the View I can check the relevant role?
And this will display only the post of the relevant role or it display the posts in order about the relevant role first?
Each of your users has a connected member profile post.
The information about a user's role is stored on the user, not on the profile.
You cannot make a View to display profile posts for users with a particular role, because the profile posts don't know what the role is (unless you have set up the profile posts so that they *do* store the role, but I'm guessing not).
In which case you need two Views, a parent View to get the users who have a particular role, which will then iterate over those users, and a nested child View which gets the profile post for the user coming from the parent View.
So my screenshot to select the role is from the first, parent, View, which doesn't show posts, it queries users, and for which you should see the same option to specify the users with which roles to return.
Or have I misunderstood and you want to do something else?
Hi Nigel,
I have followed your guide, so are displayed only the Profile posts about the Stato Vip Role.
But I don't know why the loop display the results in this mode... I need to display the results in a carousel slider...
The carousel would need to be created by the outer View (for users), not the inner View (for posts).
It looks like you made a carousel posts View and then inserted it into the outer user View, so you are getting multiple carousels of a single profile post.
Set up the user View so that it outputs as a slider.
Set up the inner profile post View so that it outputs one "slide". It would probably be helpful to check the option "Disable the wrapping DIV around the View" for the inner View so that you get a clean output from that as an input to the outer View.
So, other question, now with this setup I display only the user Profile that has the "Stato VIP" Role.
In the same carousel I need to display first the Profiles list about the user with "Stato VIP" role and after the Profiles list about the user with "Stato Base" role.
What should I do to have this condition?
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