For some reason, once WPML has been activated with 2 languages (IT, primary and EN, secondary) some content templates have stopped working, and most importantly, they behave in a weird way
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
versteckter Link and its english translation versteckter Link
and versteckter Link and its translation versteckter Link
I expected to see: a behaviour like in the other pages which are working fine (they have content templates too) like versteckter Link and its translation versteckter Link
Instead, I got a weird behaviour.
If I remove ALL the content templates from the pages i reported (the press release and sheet reports) the upper menus start to work.
Can you see that in one page there is a menu with grey background
And in the other one there is not?
The grey menu is made by two content templates: one for the texts, one for the lines
All is done via visual composer.
The grey menu is not appearing on the pages i told you in my previous post, as well as the content template showing the lady "investor relator". Both the templates are not showing up.
Login in the WP-admin and you'll see that there are several content templates not showing in those specific pages i told you about.
If you look at the VISUAL COMPOSER i created a shortcode (mapped to VC) called WPV POST BODY which actually loads a content template.
If you open the frontend of those two pages you linked, in the first one (not working) you will see only showing the "bilanci-template-yearly" in the wpv-post-body.
The two shortcodes (MENU INVESTORS and MENU BARS) are not showing, as well as the second wpv-post-body, which is loading the template "investor-relator"
Instead, in the second page, you can see on the frontend that the two shortcode menus (the same as the previous page) and the investor relator wpv-post-body (which is the face of the girl with her contacts) are showing fine in the page.
This is crazy, since in one page they are working and in the other one not.
Is it more clear now?
Edit button does not work properly here.
When i say "Visual composer" i mean, in those two pages you linked, look at the VC editor (or using the classic editor look at the shortcodes)
You will see there is a shortcode wpv-post-body which is the standard you guys created, i just mapped it to the VC in order to use it properly in pages.
1 - open -> versteckter Link
2 - In another tab of your browser, open versteckter Link
So now you can look at the frontend and backend of this page.
Pictures 1 and 2 highlight the Menu Investors shortcode and the wpv-post-body with a template "investor-relator".
They are working fine on this page called Corporate Governance.
3 - Open -> versteckter Link
You will see this page is only showing: the header menu (black) and a table. 2018-2017-etc. Each button toggles the visibility of some content.
4 - Open -> versteckter Link which is the backend of the page of step 3, called BALANCE SHEETS AND REPORTS.
Can you see that in the backend, the same shortcode MENU INVESTORS and the same shortcode WPV-POST-BODY with content template "investor-relator" are present? They are the same as STEP 2.
But, on the frontend of BALANCE SHEETS AND REPORTS (step 3), the grey menu (menu investors) and the investor relator content template are not showing. (picture 3)
This is my problem.
It happens on the page BALANCE SHEETS AND REPORTS and on the page PRESS RELEASE (in both italian and english)
In the PRODUCTION WEBSITE (which is only in italian) it is working fine. It means something happens between toolset and wpml
(please refer to versteckter Link the italian version of BALANCE SHEETS AND REPORTS. As you can see THIS is how the page should look)
Thanks for the clear instructions. I was able to clearly see the difference between the two pages and the issue you are highlighting.
You mentioned that this works on the italian version of the site before wpml was added. I did a test to disable WPML and check the page again and the issue was still there.
It could be something wrong with the page itself.
Could you try deleting these pages and re-creating them ?
I want to point out that the problem lies in the [WPV-POST-BODY bilanci-template-yearly] shortcode. If you remove that, the upper menu and the investo relator at the end of the page appear correctly.