hi— i've created a form that allows users to upload pdfs to my site and it works great.
i'll be having monthly submissions and what i'd like to do, is create a view for each month and pull those pdfs into a front-end gallery. all that would appear on a page is a simple thumbnail grid of a single months submissions.
i've been sorting through the forums to try and figure this out but no luck. is it possible?
form is here:
versteckter Link
Please elaborate the questions with more details:
create a view for each month and pull those pdfs into a front-end gallery
I assume we are talking about a custom file field created with Types plugin, users can upload pdf files to this file field.
You are going to display a thumbnail image of pdf files in front-end.
Please check our document:
Custom file field does not support thumbnail feature.
So there isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset plugins, you can add a feature request for it:
Our developers will evaluate it.
if thumbnails are not possible that's fine.
how can i create any kind of gallery on a page that is populated by the monthly pdf submissions i get from the form?
I assume we are talking about a Toolset post form for creating "submissions" posts.
If it is, you can create a post view:
- query "submissions" posts
- filter by publish date:
Select posts whose
Published date is after: year:CURRENT_ONE(), month:PAST_ONE(1)
- and display the PDF files