I am using a CPT for Teams (Elementor Template) and want to show the related WordPress posts with additional fields here at the bottom of this template.
I want to filter the posts by the related category the Team and the post have. It works... but want to createa new, a better Design without coding.
Pulling in a Views widget on the elementor template only allows me to use an existing view.
I can`t create a new one here. But if I choose to create it under Views of the toolset Menu item I don´t have the choice for Grids, lists, etc.
How can I create a loop without coding for this teams template? Can you help with an advice?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
What you should try to do is, you should try to create a content template in block mode (do not assign this content template to any post type) build your block view using this content template and then later try to add shortcode or text module to your elementor's template and then add the content template as given under:
If you look at this url: versteckter Link - it is a single of my teams CPT.
On the bottom there is a loop (under Team News)of related WordPress Posts, filtered by matching the same category with an older, ugly design I want to replace. This one was done with the views editor and some code. My Idea was to replace this with a better design, I hopefully don´t need to code for..
Its not like that you will not required code but you can test and check what you can build using view block.
As shared - you should create a new content template from: Toolset => Content Templates
- Then try to add a view block to it and build your view as required and save your content template once you finish with it
- Then add this content template using the text module so add a text module and add the content template shortcode to display the content template
But how can I now use the template for wordpress standard Posts filtering by same category of the team and the posts? Elementor is not giving me the options, it has to come from the toolset View or Template?
You should create content template and inside the content template you should add the view block and to this view block's Content Selection tab on right sidebar you will see query filter section and with that query filter section you should try to add your taxonomy filter and select the option "Value set by the current page where this View is shown":
You wanted to rebuild your view in block mode - right? If yes, so with this content template you created you can add the "view block" now and build your required view by adding blocks to it to the view block.
Once you done creating your view's output for your view block then select the view block from the block navigation bar and on the right sidebar you will see the "Content Selection" tab under that tab you will be able to see the query filter section where you will have to add the query filter.