I am trying to: use a condition - if not blank/empty, then show this field.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: versteckter Link
I expected to see: This paragraph:
"Disclosure of your information to third parties: only to the extent necessary to run our business, to our service providers, to fulfil any contracts we enter into with you. " should now be reading: "Disclosure of your information to third parties: only to the extent necessary to run our business, to our service providers, to fulfil any contracts we enter into with you these are some other reasons for disclosure....".
Here are the tests I have run to confirm this bug:
1) simply used the field as is. When the field was blank, there was no extra text, when populated it showed up correctly.
2) Tried to use the straightforward conditional: [if {fieldname-value} ne '' evaluate true] then show the field. This didn't work - nothing shows despite the field still being populated from the previous test
3) Tried to use the inverted conditional: [if {fieldname-value} eq '' evaluate false] then show the field. Again, nothing shows.
Here is a video of this test: versteckter Link
This is a very basic function, I can't understand why it's causing me a problem. Please could you get back to me asap as it's holding up a very urgent project.
Hi, I'll be glad to take a look. There is a known issue that occurs in certain versions of PHP when there is a lot of content and conditionals a Content Template. As a test, can you temporarily delete everything in this Content Template except this:
<strong>Disclosure of your information to third parties:</strong> only to the extent necessary [types field='disclosure-to-other-third-parties-reasons-for-disclosing-information-to-third-parties' separator=', '][/types][wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-disclosure-to-other-third-parties-other-reasons) eq '' )" evaluate="false" ] and [types field='disclosure-to-other-third-parties-other-reasons' output='raw'][/types][/wpv-conditional].
If the problem is resolved, revert the changes you made to the Content Template and add the following line to your wp-config.php file:
ini_set('pcre.jit', false);
Please let me know the results of these tests.
Although removing all code besides the lines suggested meant that the error no longer appeared anyway, when I added all my code back the error still showed. However, I added the line suggested to my wp-config file and it's fixed my issues.
Thank you.