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Setting up custom post types, fields and taxonomy needed for membership sites

Membership sites typically offer some sort of content that’s only available to members. Toolset Types allows you to create this custom content type, including the fields that it requires.

By using custom fields and taxonomy you make the content authoring and display easier. Instead of writing everything inside the „post content“, authors will fill in fields. The templates that you’ll design later in the course will determine how content appears on the site’s front-end.

Creating a Custom Post Type

Your membership site will need a custom post type to hold the "members only" content. For example, you might create a "lessons" post type if your site sells online courses.

Creating Custom Fields

Next, you can add custom fields to your post type, to store the different bits of information that items in your membership site need. For example, in a site with online courses, you might add fields for the length of the lesson or what is required to follow that lesson.

Creating a Custom Taxonomy

Use custom taxonomy to group items in your membership site. For example, you could create a taxonomy for "course type" and group items under categories like "programming", "design", and "SEO".

Adding Custom Posts

Once you have your custom post types, fields and taxonomy, you should add some content to your membership site. This demo content helps you design the site's front-end which we cover in the next chapters.