Hi Francisco,
I apologize and it seems that my last messages have resulted in some confusion. I'd be happy to clarify that.
In this thread, we've been discussing in general, what can be achieved using Toolset's built-in or out-of-the-back features and which of the parts will require code customization.
When a user shares specific requirements and/or link to pages where the forms/views can be seen, we (the support team) do out best to suggest some workarounds or code examples, whenever possible.
To read details around what exactly is covered under the support, you can visit:
The following support threads are related to the topic of calculation of Toolset form fields, based on the user's input and will give you some more insights:
( you can use the search feature at https://toolset.com/forums/forum/professional-support/ to look for similar examples )
As for our documentation and guides ( https://toolset.com/documentation/ ), they mostly cover what can be achieved using Toolset's built-in features, but you'll also find a number of articles on how to extend them using the custom code.
The fundamentals of using custom PHP, jQuery, CSS code remain the same with and without the Toolset plugins, which means that users who are familiar with these languages can extend the website's features, as much as needed.
There are plans to introduce a library of a frequently requested custom code snippets, but I'm afraid, I don't have a time estimate to share at the moment, around when it will be available.
Your feedback and suggestions are very important to us and help us improve in the right direction. For this reason, I'll encourage you to add your vote and voice for an out-of-the-box "form field calculation" feature and the improvements that you'd like to see in the documentation, through the form at:
> I also need to include new fields in woocommerce products, check boxes
> relative to others, etc ... and make calculations with these fields to determine
> the final price of the product.
- Toolset Types plugin, will enable you to add new custom fields to any post type, including the "Products" added by WooCommerce.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/using-custom-fields/ )
You can also collect the values for those custom fields from users, through Toolset's front-end forms.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/getting-started-with-toolset/publish-content-from-the-front-end/ )
However, Toolset Forms plugin doesn't include the feature to dynamically change the default price of the product and for this, it would be best to consult WooCommerce plugin's official support and documentation.
I hope this makes it more clear.