Link to a page where the issue can be seen: versteckter Link
I expected to see: A white window where I can put some formatted text
Instead, I got: A greenish background. I can place text in it, but after updating CPT, the text is gone. The onlt way to get some text in the window is via the Text-window. Back in the Visual window I can not change a thing. That is: I can change, but after saving the changes are gone again.
Search some hours for an solution ;-(
Hello and thank you for contacting Toolset support.
We have currently an issue, with WYSIWYG fields, that affects only post types that have the "Editor" option disabled. As a workaround, I activated the "Editor" option in the post type. Check this screenshot versteckter Link
I'll keep you updated about this issue as soon as we have it fixed, so you can disable the "Editor" option.
Maybe it is also caused by the WP 5.8 update. I could not find any similar reports here on I can't really confirm.
I added a WYSIWYG field to the default posts type, and in the translation editor, the visual tab is not working. But, the Text tab is working, and I am able to save.
Let's see if the developers fix the issue for the WYSIWYG field, and we'll check the issue with the translation editor.
It looks it has to do with the choice of the content editor. Choosing Blocks is giving me problems. When I choose for classic, the WYSIWYG editor does work (although not in WPML). On I changed the Blocks to the classis editor (of Posts) and that works fine.