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[Gelöst] Using divi view content template I’m trying to put a file link into a divi icon

Dieser Thread wurde gelöst. Hier ist eine Beschreibung des Problems und der Lösung.


How to use Toolset Types shortcode in Divi theme?


Please try below shortcode:

Relevant Documentation:

This support ticket is created vor 2 Jahre, 5 Monate. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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Dieses Thema enthält 2 Antworten, hat 2 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von cathieH vor 2 Jahre, 5 Monate.

Assistiert von: Luo Yang.


Tell us what you are trying to do?

I'm using WP Types, Views and Divi. Within the view I'm using Divi as the content template.

I'm wanting to take a custom field of File and output the the raw HTML URL to the Icon link.

The Icon Link ULR cannot take shortcodes [types field="pub-doc"][/types] so this doesn't work.

Also within Divi you can link directly to a custom field pub-doc .. however I can't get it to output the raw HTML link.

I've done this before in divi (not using WP Views) where I've linked an ACF custom field for a file and linked it to a button. Worked fine on a different website. However I'm now using Views so that I can export a list of documents with an icon to go directly to the attached document on the website. I'm failing at the point of linking the file url to the Icon.


Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?

What is the link to your site?
versteckter Link

New Publications, using WP Types post type, taxonomy, custom fields & WP Views.

You will see two rows of the same data. One as a simple shortcodes output in a text box to prove the data is there.

The second row is using divi elements so that I can style it better. I'm using the divi post title to output the post title, a text box to output the published date and then lastly the icon which does NOT correctly link to the file attached to that post's custom File field.

I hope I've given enough information to be clear.

I've can see it works with Gutenburg Blocks which you see at the top of the page, BUT how do I do this within Divi so that I can be more consistent in style and presentation?




I assume we are talking about a custom URL field created with Toolset Types plugin, please try below shortcode:

{!{types field='pub-doc' output='raw'}!}{!{/types}!}

And test again


My issue is resolved now.

I now know how to wrap my shortcodes so that they can be used with divi where needed.

Thank you.

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