Hi there
We have a CPT for events. Our users (they have a custom role) can create, edit and delete their own posts. For creating and editing posts, we have a CRED form. That works fine.
For deleting posts, we use this code in the content template:
[cred_delete_post_link action='trash' message='Wollen Sie Ihren Event wirklich löschen?' message_show='1' class='cred-refresh-after-delete']<p>Event löschen</p>[/cred_delete_post_link]
Admins and editors can delete their own posts, but for the custom role, that link isn't showing up. I checked the rights to delete own posts in the access area and - because that didn't help - also checked all possible options in the advanced area that are somehow related to editing, publishing and deleting posts. But the delete-link still isn't showing up for our members.
Am I missing something?
Thanks for your help!
Hello, can you tell me if the Events post type is in a post relationship with any other posts? If so, what are the permissions for this custom role and the related post types? For example, if Events is in a post relationship with another post type like Locations then what are the custom role permissions for Locations?
Hi Christian
No, there are no relationships. The posts only have authors and one taxonomy each.
If you have the "Delete own posts using Toolset Forms" permission checked in Access and the link still does not appear, there must be something else going on. May I log into wp-admin and take a closer look?
Ah, of all the options, that's the one I didn't think about. I did not expect that this feature is connected to the forms permissions. "Delete own posts using Toolset Forms" did the trick.
Thanks Christian!
Nice, I had the exact same issue. Good to see the solution was already out there!