I'm using Toolset and Divi and I am struggling concerning the single product page.
I started with Toolset product template. Then Divi has proposed the Divi Theme Builder that enables to create specific templates.
So, I tried their solution.
The result of all of this is that I'm no more able to understand who makes what.
In addition, before, with Toolset, we were able to define which template to use between Toolset or WC, but today, it seems this parameter is no more in use.
Can you clarify please?
Another info : even if I uncheck the product template (or assign it to another postype), this is always the Toolset product template which is used and not the Divi product template (which is currently defined normally !!!
If you create a new product does it still get assigned to the Toolset Content template ? Also if you disable the Woocommerce Views plugin then you should be able to restore the default template for your products. However some guidance here is needed. If i'm able to look at the site through the backend that would help as well.
I have disable the Toolset VW Bloc plugin and then, I'm getting the product page with the shortcodes that are displayed !
I have reactivated the Toolset WC Bloc and get the same situation than before (ie : the product template comes from Toolset and not from Divi) !
Any idea?
For info, I have the same content template between the first Toolset product template and the Divi's one. The only difference is that I have added a text bloc in the Divi's one in the end but it is not appearing on the screen.
Hi Shane,
One reason is that there are more functionalities in the Divi builder than in the Toolset template and I would like to use some of them in the product template.
You're right, both templates (Toolset and Divi) are quite the same for now.
I have just added a text section in the end of the Divi template that display the word "Test" in the bottom of the page. As I cannot see this text in the product page in frontend, I assume that the Toolset template is used (but I have unchecked it normally and it sounds strange that it continues to be used that way !).
I'm lost !
I have tried to replace the {{ }} on the shortcode with square brackets but I'm still have the bracket of the types fields which are displayed in the frontend ! For info, I have just changed the title of the page with the condition to make a test.
Second, I tried to come back to Toolset product template and I'm getting the WC product template !!!
Can you clarify how I can move from Divi to Toolset (and vice versa) without getting the WC template?
Hi Shane
Sorry for that bit as the site is into production, I'm not able to keep admin access longer
I have bien able to come back to Toolset product tempêlae (only issue was that on the specific product you have investigated, the template was not defined and thus, was using by default the WC template !)
Now, I still not understand why in the Divi product template, the Toolset shortcodes are not being taken into consideration as everywhere else in the site there're working fine?
On the template I investigated I manually disabled the content template and set it to none in the content template option on the edit screen of the post.
You can simply use this option to set back the content template for the product.
Now, I still not understand why in the Divi product template, the Toolset shortcodes are not being taken into consideration as everywhere else in the site there're working fine?
I did not check exactly what kind of editor you added the shortcodes to in DIVI, however ensure that it is the WYSIWYG editor in divi.