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[Gelöst] some problems with the divi integration

This support ticket is created vor 8 Jahre, 4 Monate. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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Dieses Thema enthält 6 Antworten, hat 3 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Adriano vor 8 Jahre, 4 Monate.

Assistiert von: Adriano.


I am trying to:
I'm using Layouts with Divi integration, I started developing my website using the Divi theme and then I thought I'd like to use Layouts too to be more free about the content layouts of my various pages.
So I created a layout for my homepage I was able to display the content of my homepage with the Divi top header row, the Divi Header Row and the Divi Content Row, without any problem.

I would like to have the Divi Footer Row, with the same elements than in the Divi Footer but it isn't present in the type of rows nor in the cells of the Divi integration. Can you help me on this?

Finally, I'd like to know if it's possible to have the dots navigation of the Divi theme when using Layouts. I have it activated on my homepage with Divi, but it doesn't appear with my Layout.



Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.

Regarding the footer row, Divi has no footer row mode. You can create footer simply by using a standard row mode of Layouts using full-width row.

However I would like to know the follwoing things:
- Could you please share the Divi theme version you are using
- Toolset Divi Integration plugin version
- Could you please share a screenshot of the page with dot navigation.

dots navigation.png

hi Minesh, thank you for answering me. regarding the footer I need to know if I can simply paste the php of the footer.php file of the Divi theme into a cell that would use a full-width row? do Layouts Cells accept php?

Regarding the dots navigation, you can see it on the right of the screenshot attached.
The version of the Divi theme that I'm using is the Version : 2.7.3
Here is a link to a Youtube Video, showing the Divi's Dot Navigation:
versteckter Link

I also noticed that my menu doesn't shrink when using Layouts even thought it's set to shrink on Divi settings.
In the following post:
It's said that "Divi theme also allows to automatically shrink the header area as you scroll down the page. This feature is controlled from the Divi theme settings. Please note that for this feature to work, you need to have at least one row in your layout that is of the Divi content row type."

Well I didn't find how to make it work, can you help on this too?



Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

No, you can not use PHP in layouts cells.

Regarding the dot navigation, I've tested and I'm able to reproduce this issue and I'm escalating this ticket to our next level support.

Please be patient, wait for a reply from them and they will get in touch with you as soon as possible.



I’m Adriano, Toolset support lead and I have been escalated to this thread. I’ll give my best to help you to achieve your needs through Toolset components.

I've been talking to our Layouts developer and he told me that he will implement this in the next dev cycle. The current one is closed and we should release all the plugins next week, so you can expect this feature in the next major release.


Hi Adriano, I'll wait then, thank you very much. The next release is the 2.1 one planned in 3 weeks?


Some words from our developers:

Divi integration plugin does not require this implementation. In fact, it works out of the box.

I tried several patches and matched the HTML output bit by bit and was wondering that why it does not work. Then finally I came to know this "hidden" fact, that, it only requires the implementation of 2 Divi classes.

Divi does not offer dot navigation in theme customizer or as a global option. This is a per page option. And is only available when Divi Builder is used on the page's post editor. In this case, there's a clear option to turn the dot navigation on or off.

The dot navigation requires some special classes to be applied on content sections. The JS supplied by Divi Theme takes care for rest of the implementation - means nothing special is required.

There are 2 easy ways to make it work (with Divi Integration Plugin), please read below:

Method 1 - Using Divi Builder:
- Simple use Divi Builder to create content and sections on the pages.
- Assign a layout to the page(s). This layout should contain, either [wpv-post-body] short code in - - - Visual Editor or a Content Template. So it can output the content on front-end.
- Visit the page on front-end and you will find the dot navigation. Please remember, there must be different sections on the page to make it work.

Method 2 - Without Divi Builder:
- In such an event, where you don't want to output the page content, or are not using Divi Builder on page(s). Do following changes to the rows on your assigned layout. You can apply these to only layouts, you want to link with dot navigation:
- Change row mode to Divi Content row.
- Add class et_pb_section
- Add class et_pb_section_<incremental-number>
- For example, first row in the layout should have et_pb_section_0 , second as et_pb_section_1 and so on.

Each page should have it's own increment, starting from 0 (zero). Because it's a per page option.
Again, each row must have both classes (et_pb_section and et_pb_section_<num> ) in the very prescribed order.

Please let me know if you are satisfied with my reply and any other questions you may have.


Adriano Ferreira

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