I´ve created a custom search / search result page and after hitting submit button I see no results at the search results. I´ve to hit the submit button again the search results page, then the results are displayed.
thanks, but your view doesn´t have a two step filtering and the search results are not present at another page, but on the same page. Could a toolset update has broken anything?
I´ve found a related problem: the search parameters works when I hit the first submit button. On the search results page there is another search button with another filter. If I hit "Planer suchen" again at the search results page I get all results - so the previous set search parameters are ignored once I hit the submit at "All" again.
Is this the default behaviour? How can I solve this?
What you can do is to remove all the css and js from the view.
I noticed that after I started adding the css and js, thats when it started to break.
So I would recommend removing them and trying, I've added the conditional to the view to allow for the 2 step but it should be noted that its not a real 2 step.
This is because once the filter is done again it won't filter from the results being displayed but from the entire list of posts.
thanks. OK, this solution makes no sense. Can you tell me, if such a ja framework would work with toolset in order to filter the search results: versteckter Link
It should be possible to do this because toolset does allow this flexibility, however it would be out of our support scope to assist with integrating this.