Toolset CPT:
Name plural = Models
Name singular = Model
Slug = model
Is there any documentation that you are following?
We have looked at other posts concerning register_post_type_args and wpcf-post-type but no more clarity.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
A whole package like this shouldn't be necessary in our case, but here's how someone else managed to hook on to the expose rest settings: versteckter Link
One concern I have about that is the age of the addon. WPGraphQL is an actively developed plugin.
Here is GraphQL's documentation: versteckter Link
Please note that we're not looking for custom programming, but to understand why Toolset wouldn't work with this where others would.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I'm not aware about hooking those extra arguments to post type for graphSQL.
I would like to know here - is the model post type is created using Toolset?
what if you try to use the later priority for example 30 or more or 99 with your hook.