I'm working on a new training course for Toolset (Amir). I'm learning as much as I can before recording the course.
I have created a post archive for testimonials post type and I want to be able to filter by post date: e.g. show me all testimonials from last month or all testimonials that are newer than a certain date. I cannot find a filter field to access post date (see screenshot).
It will be a simple filter like Date selected on front end >= Post Date
Is there any documentation that you are following? A post from June 2019 says that it was not possible to filter by post date. This seems quite strange as this is a real basic feature.
Is there a similar example that we can see? Couldn't find one, but it would be a date picker field next to the rating field (screen shot)
What is the link to your site? versteckter Link
Secondly, the rating filter is not working properly. Rating is a number field on testimonials CPT.
2x people gave a 4.5 rating, but this is displayed together with 4. Filtering with 4.5 brings no results. (I tried equal to and like). What did I do wrong?
Thirdly, there is a question mark "?" added on the front end when using the 'Fields and Text' Block. See Product and position at Company above that in the screenshot.
I posted a password for an admin user, thinking that it would stay hidden until you guys look at it, but it's already public. so I removed amendment again, sorry, can't delete this part.
It is not possible to have a Custom Front End Filter by Post Date at all in any View.
Only Query filters take the Post Date and other post related data.
You can use a custom field, for example.
I also suggest submitting this as a feature to the Product Management to add post native data filters in the Front End of views and archives, where it makes sense
(On a year archive, filtering by post date likely is not good, but on a taxonomy post archive, why not filter by post date)
PS The second issue I see is handled here https://toolset.com/forums/topic/star-rating-icons-broken-on-site-where-user-is-not-logged-in/
Thank you Beda for this information!