I have a cpt called learner. with a cred form to add or edit records. One of the fields in the cred form is Short bio with radio fields to select "long bio" or "short bio". I need to be able to see a list of profiles where short bio was selected in a view and if you click the name of the person it must open the edit Learner form, with the specific learner's record so that the bio can be completed and reverted to a full bio.
I have created a view called incomplete profile listing that will show the learner's name and surname and social security nr. I have added a query to the view to filter out and only show short bio options.. This all works %
Now i need to add the option to make the profile name clickable so that it will open the "Edit New Learner Form" populate the form with the learner's name so that the profile can be completed.
Assuming your edit form is already set-up and available in a content template container (or a layout if you are using Layouts), then in the output section of your View use the Toolset Forms button to insert an edit post link, which will insert a toolset-edit-post-link shortcode.
You can use placeholders for the title and the post id within the text for the link.
You seemed to have lost me somewhere. or me you. This is what I have done so far. I created a view called list of incomplete profiles. (img). And results of list of incomplete profile. (img)
Then i created a form Edit New Learner Form (img). From the form result list of incomplete profiles, I need the surnames to be hyperlinked, so that when you click the surname you will open the edit learner form with that specific user's profile be populated so that the profile can be completed in full.
To summerise, i need the page "result of list of incomplete profiles" to open with a list of all incomplete profiles on. The select the surname of one or the profiles ie "Olivier" which in turn will then open the cred form "edit learner form" with the Olivier profile populated and then complete the profile.
thx for that link. I can see where I lost the plot. Now am now trying to do the view (edit existing one or do a new one ) and adding the form edit-post link however that option is not in the dropdown options. There is one "edit post link", which is a standard WordPress option, but I cannot find the option "forms post-edit link" as per the tutorial page link you sent me.