Tengo una vista que mostrava los eventos pasados, ahora des de hace un teimpo alguna cosa se a actualizado y no consigo mostrar los eventos ya realizados,porfavor a ver si alguien de habla española me puede ayudar.
Rafa Corts
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Spanish support is not available at the moment. If you agree we can continue in English. Please be patinent and share details that supporter require and that information will help us to guide you in the right direction.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
With the 2nd view - do you want to keep the Query Filters you added to 2nd view?
Taxonomy filter:
Select posts with taxonomy:
Categories d'Esdeveniment in one of these: Monogràfics
Post search filter
Filter post content and title based on the frontend input search filter.
Also, can you please share screenshot to ensure with what date custom field you want to compare the date against the value 1st Oct 2024 to till date?
Hello, at first glance everything seems perfect.
In the second view, I want to keep the taxonomy filter for "categoria moinograficos". This is okay.
The publication search filter is also okay.
The third filter is not working correctly. I want to show past events by date.
For example:
Event 1 - December 2, 2024
Event 2 - December 9, 2024
Event 3 - December 16, 2024.
With the filter I had before, it worked, but for some reason, it has stopped working.
I am filtering by a custom date field called 'Data esdeveniment'. I want to show all events that have already occurred based on the date.
Do you understand the problem?"
But I'm not sure how it will affect your current data so I strongly suggest you should get in touch with Events Calendar support and check with them how it should build normal query without those additional unwanted "wp_tec_occurrences" table and its associated column.
I also checked with test-view and I see the same query generated on the following test page:
Page - versteckter Link
View - versteckter Link
Once you get this issue resolve we are happy to help you further.
Hello Minesh, I understand what you're saying, that if I use the date generated by the calendar plugin, I might encounter this difficulty when filtering. This happened to me the first time I did it. But as you can see, I created a custom field with Toolset to avoid this problem. The filter is applied to “Data Esdeveniment”, so it's no longer an issue with the Calendar plugin.
I’m attaching some images so you can see that the filter I’m using is to filter a custom date field from the Toolset plugin.
Best regards,
Rafa Corts
What I sugget:
- Create a new post type Book
- Add a custom field group and add a custom date field "book-publish-date" and set this custom field group to display with post type Book
- Add few posts to Book post type and setup date field.
- Create a view "display-books" for post type Books and add custom date filter for custom field "book-publish-date"
- create a new page and add the view "display-books" and review the results. Do you see custaom date field working?