Environment Config:
WP multisite sub-domain install called sites.unc.edu
Toolset plugin can not be activated on network level, plugin is active on a site by site need.
We use composer for updates and do not use your installer plugin
We have an unlimited license
I started off by seeing the dashboard notice across sites which resulted in customer complaints
"Toolset plugin cannot connect to toolset dot com"
To solve i tried:
Confirmed sites.unc.edu network is registered on toolset and confirmed key is correct.
key is set by php constant in wp-config.
define( 'OTGS_INSTALLER_SITE_KEY_TOOLSET', 'xxxxxx' );
tested adding additional sub domains to toolset site
I then tried to disable OTGS
After that failed, I tried regenerating a new key and added back to wp-config by using constant.
Then I see an error that key is wrong in dashboard.
Now, I've left it without a license, which is not ideal since wp-admin/plugins/ will show a license needs to be added.
Again, we can not network activate it. It seems unreasonable to have to registers each site since we have hundreds.
Do you have recommendation to solve and what is the preferred method to handle our other development environments?
Also, unfortunately we do not allow 3rd parties to access our networks for troubleshooting.
Thank You!
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Officially we recommend network-wide activation and registration for multisite networks:
If that is not an option, you'll have to enter a site key for each site in a network, where you'd like to register Toolset.
As you mentioned there are too many individual sites involved, the only other option I can think of is to include some custom CSS or JS code in the admin area, that can hide/remove the Toolset registration/connection notices.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need further assistance.
Network activation is not possible. Since we are over 300 sites that would cause resources errors.
We are already fighting toolset's excessive memory usage and queries like 'show tables like" this put a huge load on our servers which end up showing up in strange ways 404 errors, taxonomies not loading.
Given our size I image you don't have many customers using at such large scale. So Registering a site key for each site is not feasible.
I did notice even though i registered a site and added token it still did not remove the can not connect to toolset.com
On the website that you registered, do you see any error or warning in the Toolset installer log?
( here is a direct URL for it: {yourwebsite.com}/wp-admin/admin.php?page=otgs-installer-support )
I'm seeing response - toolset: Unable to parse data from service response. subscription-fetching
Looks like this came up in the past:
If i try to activate toolset temporary on root site, then if i go to plugin menu to register
versteckter Link
I get "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page" despite being a super admin.
I tested the option discussed in your other ticket with Beda and it still works.
On my test multisite network, I didn't activate the Toolset plugins network-wide. Next, I activated them on the primary site and some of the other network subsites.
Registering the Toolset site key only for the primary website, removed registration notices for the rest of the subsites too, where the Toolset plugins were active.
The message 'Unable to parse data from service response', can temporarily show up, if there are too many attempts/calls made to the registration server. This should be resolved automatically within 24 hours.
I couldn't reproduce the error message "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page". Are you using any plugin or custom code on the website to change the default WordPress user role permissions and privileges? If yes, you can test with all extra custom code and third-party plugins deactivated, temporarily.
"Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page", is happening because we can not install or update plugins on our live environments. This is standard on all of our environments which is enforced by Pantheon our hosting provider. So we will not be able to register via - versteckter Link
The Test and Live environment codebases also cannot be written to, preventing automatic updates from downloading files from WordPress.org. Any plugin or theme updates must be performed in a development environment then committed and deployed to the Test and Live environments. WordPress core updates must be applied to a development environment via our Git-based upstream core updates feature.
Can you think of another way around this? So PHP constant is not going to work?
Thank you for sharing this information.
If updates, direct changes, and external connections are blocked in the production environment, then the Toolset registration process can't be completed, because the production and development URL will always be different.
I'm afraid, I can't think of any other alternative and to remove/hide those registration notices, you'll need to include some custom CSS or JS code, in the admin area.