[Gelöst] error 500 when cred updated to 2.21 on wprdpress 5
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error 500 when cred updated to 2.21 on wprdpress 5
User somehow do not able to update the plugins correctly. To resolve this issue, delete the existing Toolset plugins and upload it manually using the plugins page.
The Cred plugin 2.2.1 cause an error 500 on WordPress 5 when activated. We had to remove the plugin and revert to the previous version to carry on working.
I have WordPress 5.0 and Forms 2.2.1 installed since they are in RC (and now stable), and have no issues.
I also see no other reports of this so far.
Error 500 always means there is an underlying PHP error
Can you enable WP Debug and tell us the error, as well as if it still happens when not using any other Plugin but Toolset (on testing site, eventually) https://codex.wordpress.org/WP_DEBUG
Then we will be able to tell why the E500, and what to do to solve it.