I know there is a reason for the date picker being extemely slow. But on some pages I have a close to 10s delay which is unbearable.
I already replied to this thread https://toolset.com/forums/topic/datepicker-delay/#post-1196621 but i think It is closed and won't be found. So sorry when asking in a different format but I think I have an idea for a a temportary solution for this problem since I feel like the issue is present for quite a few years new and still unsolved.
How can i implement a spinner that shows up besides or instead the calendar icon while the ajax call is being made?
Could you somehow guide me into the right direction?
I feel It should just be shown when someone clisk on an elementwith the 'data-handler="selectDay' attribute and will be hidden after the input refreshes?
I took a read through the ticket that you had with Juan, however a reference ticket for this was not added for our internal system so I cant say if this was addressed.
However i'm not sure why your datepicker is responding so slowly. Would you mind sending me a link to where I can see the issue ?
I would love to try and assist you with adding the spinner but would need to see the issue first.
Thanks Shane for your support. You might want to check the form with the date picker on this page: versteckter Link
As you can see the input might take 5 or more seconds to be set. A spinner might help the situation to clarify that something is happening in the background and to prevent the user to set the date multiple times in a row.