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[Gelöst] Custom Post grid reuseable

This support ticket is created vor 3 Jahren. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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Dieses Thema enthält 11 Antworten, hat 2 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Luo Yang vor 3 Jahren.

Assistiert von: Luo Yang.


I archived this:

There i build a Post Grid and all works i mentioned.

But how can i duplicate this? Or with other words i need this a few times on the page just with another Tax output.
Eg. on the one site i only need the posts with category b and on another site i only need to display posts with category c.

How can i fix this that i can use the same grid and just change the tax/category output/filter?



I suggest you try these:
1) Create a content template, setup the conditional blocks in it, and display it as what you want
2) In other views/page/post, display a content template block, and choose above content template


I did but how can i set up which categories to display?

As i wrote ... i want to use the same template few times.

i tryed this:
[wpv-view name="hersteller-grid" hersteller-kategorie="premium"]

but it dont works.
the custom post type is created like this:

// Our custom post type function
function create_posttype() {
    register_post_type( 'hersteller',
    // CPT Options
            'labels' => array(
                'name' => __( 'Alle Hersteller' ),
                'singular_name' => __( 'Hersteller' )
            'public' => true,
            'has_archive' => true,
            'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'hersteller'),
            'show_in_rest' => true,
			'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt', 'author','thumbnail','custom-fields','page-attributes'),
	register_taxonomy('hersteller-kategorien', 'hersteller',
			'show_in_rest' => true,
            'hierarchical' => true,
            'label' => 'Kategorien',
            'query_var' => true,
            'rewrite' => array(
                'slug' => 'hersteller-kategorie',
                'with_front' => false  

What do you mean it does not work?

Please elaborate the questions with more details, provide detail steps to reproduce the same problem, you can also provide a test site with the same problem, also point out the problem page/post URLs, take a screenshot for what you are going to achieve, I need to test and debug it in a live website, thanks


I made the content template as described.

Now when i place it in content i want to choose/filter which category posts should display on page.


Since you are using custom codes to setup the post types + taxonomies, I suggest you try to follow our document to convert those post types + taxonomies to Types control:

And test again.


Ok so this works now:
[wpv-view name="hersteller-grid" wpvherstellerkategorien="city-trekking"]

Can i only use Shortcode? Its not possible to use Content Template block instead?


The shortcodes you mentioned above is a view's shortcode:

You can put it into a Toolset content template, then display the content template with the content template block

Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-11 um 09.45.03.png

yes i did it with content template block but then i cant choose the category?

it looks like this:
versteckter Link

and the settings linke screenshot to display the category.

Or what are the right filter settings?


The attribute "wpvherstellerkategorien" is setup in the view's shortcode [wpv-view], so it is expected result: you can not choose "category" in content template.

Content templates are different from post views.

In your case, you just need to add a shortcode block, display the view's shortcode with different "wpvherstellerkategorien" attribute value, for example:

[wpv-view name="hersteller-grid" wpvherstellerkategorien="city-trekking"]
[wpv-view name="hersteller-grid" wpvherstellerkategorien="city-abc"]
[wpv-view name="hersteller-grid" wpvherstellerkategorien="city-def"]


ok so its only possible with shortcode. ...

that would be great features ... for now where block theming is coming more and more


As I mentioned above content templates are different from post views, you can not use views attribute in content template