I tried what you suggested. But I can't get it to work... Can you please advise or show me an example of how to resolve the issue?
I checked, there is no caching plugin active either...
also, you did not advise on "Also can you please advise on how to do a drop down that shows all the countries ?" can you please advise?
I see you did it in a post, while we're trying to do it in a page... Is there a reason for that?
also, while your's works. That does not really explain while none of the pages we setup worked?
This is why I say the page must be caching the old code because its not updated. Could you try recreating the page without the page builder and let me know if the issue still remains ?
Maybe just have a look at the page again? As soon as I open the page in beaver builder to edit it, the shortcode stops working, the form seems to work still but the additional shortcode your wrapping it with, no longer works...
Also a question, there are forms where the cred had to be split up into several forms, since it has repeater groups in it...
how can we add one submit button for all those forms? Meaning we add 4 shortcodes on the page to display all the fields, but it still only has 1 button to submit?
What you need to do is to edit the actual form itself, not the page that the form is on. The shortcodes are to be added around the form codes on the edit form page. versteckter Link
I've already wrapped the form itself with the shortcode thats why it works.
The reason why there is no submit button is because it wasn't added when the form was being built.
To add the submit button use this shortcode.
[cred_field field='form_submit' value='Submit' urlparam='' class='btn btn-primary btn-lg' output='bootstrap']
This needs to be added inside the form as well when you're editing it .
Hahaha I can't believe I miss-understood you so badly haha...
can you tell me, like I said, I have 3 or 4 forms on 1 page... If I add the submit button to 1 of the forms (which will be the last one added to the page), will it submit the content from all the forms?
Or is there something else we need to do?