No luck, you can check this page and try to change the option with dropdown box, its still redirecting, you should check before get back to me after make it working: versteckter Link
Okay, so I've tested your test site on Firefox, Chrome and Safari and was able to fix the redirecting by disabling the 'gestures' plugin (no problem for now, I don't need it at this moment). In Firefox it never redirected and always worked, that's why I've told you before I don't see any redirection, sorry. But in Safari: the 'select field' does not seem to work at all, it does not find any entries, I see 'not items found' in the dropdown, so there seems to be something else going on?
hope this helps you for the next step? thanks for your patience 🙂
sorry, my bad, I was not logged in the Safari browser, so from my point of view: no redirecting happening in any browser, you should be all set for the next step 🙂 Hope this helps. Tobi
Now, if you go to this page:
=> versteckter Link
=> Click on button "Add to favorites"
=> It will add new entry here: versteckter Link
=> And if you edit the entry, you will notice that it will be connected to selected shortlist and related post ID
Hope this is much more info for you to proceed with your project.
Hey minesh, WOW, thank you SO much. This is great and I’ve already managed to create a view with shortlists and link back to the original locations. Works really nicely 🙂 To finish our little shortlist system, the shortlists should now be shareable with other users.
So if you go to the ‘my account’ page: versteckter Link you should be able to click on one of your shortlists and then somehow choose from other users in the system that you want to share the shorltiat with and that can see the shortlist too.
So I was thinking: maybe the easiest would be to do something like this:
- when a user logs in: automatically add his name to a taxonomy list ‘users’
- in the shortlist’s content template add a post form that allows the author of the shortlist to check the user names that he wants to share the current shortlist with from the taxonomy list ‘users’
- in the shortlist view create a conditional that says: only show shortlists where the user is the author of the shortlist AND/OR the user’s name is checked in the taxonomy list
What do you think? Would that work and is this the best way to do this?
If yes, is there anything special I should look out for?
If no, what would be a better way and your suggestion?
So I was thinking: maybe the easiest would be to do something like this:
- when a user logs in: automatically add his name to a taxonomy list ‘users’
- in the shortlist’s content template add a post form that allows the author of the shortlist to check the user names that he wants to share the current shortlist with from the taxonomy list ‘users’
- in the shortlist view create a conditional that says: only show shortlists where the user is the author of the shortlist AND/OR the user’s name is checked in the taxonomy list
==> I think this is good idea. So you should create a taxonomy "shortlist users" and find a way to add user_login as term. As you already have idea, you should go with that.
This ticket lasts too long and I tried my best to help you out, please feel free to mark resolve this ticket.
Okay, understood. Thank you. Last question before I close this: when you say: ‘find a way to add user_login’ as term’ - are you saying this is difficult and there is no standard way of doing this? Since I am not a programmer I would appreciate a hint how to do this if it is on-standard. I am closing the ticket next 🙂 thx for your input.
Well - the best way I would suggest is, find a way to setup your current WordPress users as taxonomy. You may contact any WordPress/PHP expert for this and after that, I think its pretty easy for you to setup forms and content template.