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I need to use this conditional output : define if the current user is author of a "subscription" post and if yes, if the subscription post date is between the "variable" custom fields start-date and end-date.
I'm working on a new site and needs to use a conditional output based on this :
- I'm using a postype to define yearly variable => "variable". For that, I have created a "variable" post (let say ID=30) with some specific custom fields (start-date, end-date). This post will be updated each new year.
- Then, I have another postype to create subcriptions ("subscription"). That means, when user wants to subscribe, they validate a Cred form that is linked to the specific product. A new post "subcription" is created and assigned to the user as author with the postdate = creation date.
- Now, I need to use this conditional output : define if the current user is author of a "subscription" post and if yes, if the subscription post date is between the "variable" custom fields start-date and end-date.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - to check the current user is loggedin user - you can use [wpv-conditional] shortcode.
For example:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-current-user info="login"]' eq '[wpv-post-author format="meta" meta="user_login"]' ) "]
current user is same as the post author of current post.
Thanks for taking care.
I'm not willing to detect if the user is connected or not (this is already done in another part of the page).
I want to detect if the connected user is the author of a post (postype : subcription) and if this post date is between two dates that are defined by the custom fields (start-date and end-date) of the post (postype : variable) and with id=30
So, conditional should be :
post (subcription) with author=connected user exists ? (there could be several post with the same author, but only one with the further date condition)
post date (subscription) is between post (variable) start-date and post (variable) end-date (post (variable) id = 30)
When you say connected user post - do you mean logged in user is post author of post (subscription)? if yes:
I would like to know where exactly you want to add the condition in question - on subscription post?
The requested condition :
post (subcription) with author=connected user exists ? (there could be several post with the same author, but only one with the further date condition)
post date (subscription) is between post (variable) start-date and post (variable) end-date (post (variable) id = 30)
Should be placed anywhere in the site, depending on thecontent that would be displayed for users having a vaild subscription and not for the others.
As you can see, the condition refers to 2 different posts of 2 different postypes ((subcription and variable)
Yes - I understand that - but for which post we need to run those 2 condition.
Because - we need to first make sure for which post we need to fetch the post author and it's parent post's custom date fields. Do you have structure ready for this - are you able to share test case example - if yes: I can write the condition for you but I need access details for that.
Not sure to understand. For me, this should be part of a conditional output, whatever the post / page where we are. This is just taking into account the current user and verify that this user is a post author of the postype "subscription" and that one of the found "subscription" posts is dated between 2 constants (that are recorded as custom fields of the post id=30 belonging to postype "variable").
Perhaps we can split into 2 :
- First, find the posts belonging to "subscription" havinf the current user as author
- Second, define is one of these posts date is between 2 variables
No sure that given you access to the site will help as nothing is alreading coded inthis area.
That's OK like this, but I wasstill having an issue with it.
I want to display the conditional output inside a product page layout. The aim of the conditional is to display a WC Cred that is linked to the product (by the field product_id).
As the Views in your proposal refers to another postype (subscription), I cannot retrieve the product_id inside the Views;
So, I started another way to manage this issue : I have created a shortcode that looks if all conditions are OK and then, the conditional output refers to this shortcode.