I am trying to register Toolset on any of the websites on my Dedicated Server ( They have always registered fine in the past but today I went to register a new one and it gave the error "cURL error 7: Failed to connect to api.toolset.com port 443: Connection timed out" And none of my sites will connect to Toolset now. I have talked extensively with my web host and they have not changed anything. I can use cURL from the command line to connect to every other site on the Internet. But with api.toolset.com I am not getting any response and just receiving a connection timeout.
Are you blocking my dedicated server's IP address from connecting? It is
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: versteckter Link
I set up a special versteckter Link site on my server and gave the login below so that you can see the issue in action
Username: toolsetadmin
Password: 46^*hg$fcIw4mbpwfXC!h#eO
No, we did not block your web server.
And it is a known problem, see similar threads:
It has already been put into our to-do list, our developers are working on it, it should be fixed in next version of Types plugin.
Currently, you can do the the upgrading manually.
Thank you for the response.
A few things to note from the other tickets that you referenced:
1. https://toolset.com/forums/topic/curl-error-7-failed-to-connect-to-api-toolset-com-port-443/
I have access to an older VPS that is able to make the connection to api.toolset.com. It is using TLS 1.2 and cURL 7.52.1.
My newer Dedicated server (on which the above testwp site is setup for you) was able to make the cURL connection until just recently. It is using TLS 1.2 also and cURL 7.59.0.
- Increasing the timeout limit does not solve the issue.
- Using a simple script to connect with cURL to versteckter Link on port 80 also does not work: versteckter Link
2. https://toolset.com/forums/topic/new-cred-commerce-wont-install/
Elegant Themes Divi is not installed. This is not a factor.
3. https://toolset.com/forums/topic/registering-site-timing-out/
Retrying the connection a dozen times does not work. A connection from my server to api.toolset.com using cURL 7.59 always times out just as if you are blocking my IP.
You mentioned above:
Using a simple script to connect with cURL to versteckter Link on port 80 also does not work: versteckter Link;
Please try to connect to versteckter Link on port 443, and test again.
Since it might be a server problem, can you provide a test site with same problem, fill below private detail box with login details and FTP access, our developers might need to debug in a live website, Thanks
Thanks for the details, I have forward it to our developers, I will update this thread if there is anything news.
Our server guys are digging into this as deep as they can and trying to see if there could be anything on our end that is blocking this. Were you able to log into the test site? Can you verify 100% that your update server is not blocking our IP?
Ok, so our server team has done a thorough check of our dedicated server and verified that nothing on our end is blocking the curl request to api.toolset.com. They even temporarily disabled the firewall. And cURL requests to any other site on the Internet are fine. But the request to api.toolset.com is still always timing out with the error: "cURL error 7: Failed to connect to api.toolset.com port 443: Connection timed out"
Can you verify that your update server is compatible with the following specs?
PHP version: 7.1.18
cURL version: 7.59.0
cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.0.2o
TLS 1.2
Thank you!
Yes, I can login your website, and see the error message:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to api.toolset.com port 443: Connection timed out
And thanks for the details, it is already in our to-do list, our developers are working on it, I will update this thread if there is anything news.
For the questions:
1) Can you verify 100% that your update server is not blocking our IP?
2) Can you verify that your update server is compatible with the following specs?
I am checking it with our 2nd tier supporters, will update this thread if there is anything news.
I just tested the server again today and it's working! I'm not sure if it was an adjustment on your side or not, but I'm able to connect now!