How to output labels of selected options of a checkboxes field and not the values?
If you output a checkboxes field the stored values are displayed rather than the labels for the options. You cannot output the labels, but you can output custom strings for selected and/or non-selected options, which is available in the GUI when you insert the field, and which will insert the types shortcodes something like this:
[types field='checks' state="checked" option="0"]Custom title 1[/types]
[types field='checks' state="checked" option="1"]Custom title 2[/types]
[types field='checks' state="checked" option="2"]Custom title 3[/types]
The client wanted to be able to do this directly in a PHP template, and the solution in that case is to reproduce the above shortcodes and then use the do_shortcode function.
Problem: After updating Toolset plugins I am seeing several JavaScript errors in wp-admin including the following:
TypeError: Object(f.flowRight) is not a function (In 'Object(f.flowRight)([S("reducerKey"),S("selectorName")])','Object(f.flowRight)' is an instance of Object)
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
Problem: I tried to update to the latest version from Types 1.5.7, but it seems like I lost content.
Solution: Updating Types shouldn't delete any of your posts from the database. Sometimes shortcode syntaxes change or become deprecated, so some adjustment to your code is necessary in the new system.
The issue here is that the user wanted to know how to delete and edit a CPT.
You can delete your CPT by going to Toolset -> Post Type and from there when you hover over the CPT you should see the delete button.
You can edit and rename your CPT by going to Toolset -> Post Type and editing that CPT.