I am trying to: Show custom post types and fields into rss feed
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: enlace oculto
I expected to see: All the fields in the rss field/
Instead, I got: No custom post types and fields in the rss feed
1. Set up a Custom Post Type and create at least one post in it
2. Create a WordPress Archive for this Custom Post Type
3. Check the Archive on the Front-end, by adding /feed at the end of your URL.
==> You will see a fine output of RSS Feed.
Until here, this should work just fine according to my tests:
enlace oculto
enlace oculto
With this 4th step although there are issues, in case you use Toolset Layouts:
4. Create a Layout, and assign it to the CPT archive and add the WPA you created above as cell
==> Now the archive front end shows a messy RSS Feed full with Views and Layouts HTML (div, etc).
This is in the progress of being resolved and it affects only Toolset Layouts
To customize your RSS feed, and add Custom types, you can follow the WordPress API and apply your code to rss2_item: