I have a conditional logic to show some text based on taxonomies that are set for a product.
I have tried with both of the following:
[wpv-conditional if="( has_term('bos', 'bereich',null) eq '1' )" ]<span class="einsatzbereich-badge bos">Some Text</span>[/wpv-conditional]
{!{wpv-conditional if="( CONTAINS(#(bereich),'bos') )"}!}<span class="einsatzbereich-badge bos">Some Text</span>[/wpv-conditional]
It works fine in the main language (german) but not on the translations, because the slug of the translations of the taxonomies is different. I would expect that wpml or toolset automatically check the condition in the main language as it does with all other conditions.
Is there a way to fix this without having to insert the translated slugs in the conditional logic?