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Selecting allowed tags in front-end forms in WordPress

The Content Filter section allows users to choose which tags will be allowed for usage in the fields of their Toolset forms.

The checked tags will be allowed in the form fields while the unchecked ones will not.

Go to the Toolset → Settings page and click the Forms tab. In the Content Filter section, click the Select allowed HTML tags button. A dialog box for selecting allowed HTML tags will appear. Settings page with the Forms options

Settings page with the Forms options
Settings page with the Forms options
Dialog box for selecting allowed HTML tags in Forms
Dialog box for selecting allowed HTML tags in Toolset Forms

Example: in the second screenshot, you can see that only the span tag is not checked. This means it will be filtered out (removed) if used in Toolset form custom fields on the front-end.

Let’s consider that users put the following code in any field of a Toolset form on the front-end:

 <span style="color:red">Lorem Ipsum</span>

When that form is submitted, the span tag will be filtered out and the following will be saved: Lorem Ipsum

November 16, 2020