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Setting up custom post types, fields and taxonomy for real estate site

When you build a new real estate site from scratch, you should start by creating the custom post types, fields and taxonomy. This will add the necessary items to the WordPress admin, allow you to populate content and then you can design the front-end.

Creating a Custom Post Type

Most real estate sites need custom post types for "properties" and for "agents". You can create additional types for testimonials and anything else that the site needs.

Creating Custom Fields

Properties and agents will need custom fields. For example, you'll surely want to add "price" and "address to properties, as well as various contact details fields to agents.

Installing Toolset Maps and Adding Address Fields

Almost every real estate sites will need to display properties on a map. Before you add custom fields to properties, learn how to enable Maps functionality.

Conditionally Display Custom Fields in WordPress Backend

Often, you'll need to display specific custom fields only under certain conditions. For example, there is no need to display a "land size" custom field if the property in question is an office.

Creating a Custom Taxonomy

Custom taxonomies will help you arrange properties into different categories. These categories will depend on the kind of real estate site that you're building. For example, you could have a category for "vacation properties" and "office space".

Adding Custom Posts

Once you've created the custom types, fields and taxonomy for properties and agents, it's time to create several items. This way, you'll be ready to design the front-end templates and lists.

What Are Post Relationships and How They Work

When you create real estate sites, you will want to connect between properties and agents (and other custom post types that you create).

How to set up Post Relationships in WordPress

If only one agent takes care of each property, you should create a "one to many" relationship between them. If several agents can help with each property, you should set-up "many to many" a relationship.