I don't know why, in the "– Eventi nella Provincia –" section the posts in the pagination are not show correctly. In the pagination would be displayed 12 posts per page, but in every single pagination sometimes are displayed 1 posts, sometimes 0, sometimes 3, sometimes 8...
For the question: if there is any possibility to have child posts custom search into the grand grand parent post
I assume we are talking about these post type relationships in your website:
Nazioni -> Regioni -> Province -> Comuni -> Eventi
You are going to do these:
In a single "Nazioni" post, setup a post view with custom search form, to query related "Eventi" posts. See our demo site: enlace oculto
section "Search Houses", the dropdown menu "State" and "City", they are also based on two one-to-many relationships:
State-> City-> Property
Ok for the custom search using the relationship dropdown menu.
I don't know why, in the "– Eventi nella Provincia –" section the posts in the pagination are not show correctly. In the pagination would be displayed 12 posts per page, but in every single pagination sometimes are displayed 1 posts, sometimes 0, sometimes 3, sometimes 8...
Why? See the "– Eventi nella Provincia –" section in this URL enlace oculto
Test it in front-end: enlace oculto
in section "– Eventi nella Provincia –", the pagination works fine, it display 12 items per page.
Can you confirm it?
The problem is in the child post view "Lista Eventi Comune per Provincia": enlace oculto
When there isn't "Eventi" posts satisfied the filters, so the child post view outputs an empty div tag, and conducts the problem you mentioned above: sometimes are displayed 1 posts, sometimes 0, sometimes 3, sometimes 8
For example, you can edit the child post view, in section "Loop Editor", with shortcode [wpv-no-items-found]... [/wpv-no-items-found], display a message: No Eventi posts found, like this:
[wpv-no-items-found] No Eventi posts found [/wpv-no-items-found]
You should be able to see the result of child post view in front-end.
Then it is not possible to display an organic grand child post type posts section. Because if the parent post type doesn't have related child posts, it displays the "no items display" message, or blanc div if there is no message set. And not aggregate only the existing grand child posts...
I will delete the section from grand child post type posts.
Yes, you are right, since there isn't direct relationship between grand-grandparent post type "Nazioni" and child post type "Eventi", and when there there isn't "Eventi" posts satisfied the filters of child post view "Lista Eventi Comune per Provincia", it will conduct the problem you mentioned above.
Sorry for the delay in reply,
well, I have removed the super admin to the account because, I don't know why, every time I keep the super admin to the account, I find more changes in codes in Views and Content Templates that generated issues and conflicts, and also, last time, I have found a change in a subsite that was set to "deleted" and it was no longer visible to the users...
Well, I need assistance to setup the custom codes to display "Events" in parent and grand parent posts, etc...
Luo is on vacation. This is Minesh here and I will take care of this ticket. Hope this is OK.
I need assistance to setup the custom codes to display "Events" in parent and grand parent posts
As Iunderstand, You want to display Events in parent and grant parent posts but on single posts of your parent and grand parent post - correct? If yes:
Can you share on what parent/grand parent post at what section you want to display the events?