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Forum Topics Created
Status | Thema | Supporter | Stimmen | Artikel | Aktualität |
How to use jquery plugins?
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628 in: Toolset Professional Support |
2 | 4 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
limit characters of single line input and multiline input
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628 in: Toolset Professional Support |
2 | 5 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
css does not apply on front end
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628 in: Chat Support |
1 | 2 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Counting children of each parent
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: I want to count the total of children to parent belonging to the current user is the author. Solution: There isn't such a built-in feature within Views plugin, the shortcode [wpv-found-count] works for only one view, see our document: In your case, it needs custom codes, for example, this thread: Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 5 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Form can only be used 5 times (woocomerce)
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628 in: Toolset Professional Support |
2 | 3 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
get the sum of custom fields after submit a form using submit api
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: Solution: An example of the kind of code required is given below: Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 7 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Conditional shortcode for user who made a relation
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: I would like to show a Form that allows Users to create a child post for the current post. If the User has already created a child for the current post, I would like to hide the Form. Solution: Use a View of posts, filtered by post author and by post relationship set by the current post. In the "no results found" section, insert the Form shortcode. Leave the loop tags empty. Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 5 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Two forms on page = Problems?
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: The issue here is that the user was getting issues when they have 2 Toolset forms on the same page. Solution: This issue has been resolved in the latest version of our Toolset Forms plugin. |
2 | 3 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Can´t get the Parent prefilled in Childform
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Chat Support
Problem: The issue here is that the user had a child form on another post that doesn't have any relationship to the page. However the user wanted to auto populate the parent. Solution: In this case the user is only allowed to create 1 parent type and as such we can use this custom shortcode to retrieve the parent information from the logged in user. function wp_get_my_cv() { $args = array( 'author' => get_current_user_id(), 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'ASC', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_type' => 'lebenslauf' ); $my_posts = get_posts($args); $id = ''; foreach( $my_posts as $post){ $id = $post->ID; } return $id; } add_shortcode( 'wp_get_my_cv', 'wp_get_my_cv' ); So add this to your Toolset Custom Code section in Toolset -> Settings. Finally this shortcode can be used in the value attribute by doing this value='[wp_get_my_cv]' |
1 | 2 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Table with child posts
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: I would like to display a View of Post Type A and include a nested View of Post Type B. If no related Post Type B exist, do not show the Post Type A post. Solution: Create the nested Views and apply a post relationship Query Filter to the View of post type B. Set it to be related to the current post in the loop. Apply the following custom code to filter out Post Type A where there are no related Post Type B: add_filter('wpv_filter_query', 'jobs_with_bewerbungs_func', 101, 3); function jobs_with_bewerbungs_func($query, $view_settings, $view_id) { $views = array( 870 ); $relationship_slug = 'job-bewerbung-multis'; if ( in_array( $view_id, $views ) ) { $ids = array(); $jobs_args = array( 'post_type' => 'job', 'numberposts' => -1, ); $jobs = get_posts( $jobs_args ); foreach($jobs as $job) { $bewerbungs = toolset_get_related_posts( $job->ID, $relationship_slug, 'parent', 1000000, 0, array(), 'post_id', 'child' ); if( !is_array($bewerbungs) || count($bewerbungs) < 1 ) { array_push( $ids, $job->ID ); } } $query['post__not_in'] = isset($query['post__not_in']) ? $query['post__not_in'] : array(); $query['post__not_in'] = array_merge($query['post__not_in'], $ids ); } return $query; } Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 19 | vor 6 Jahren, 2 Monaten | |
Second submit form button with custom redirect to page
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: I would like to include two different submit buttons in a Form, and redirect the User conditionally based on which button they clicked. Solution: You can use multiple submit buttons and test if either is set in the $_POST superglobal. Here's the code from a Form: [cred_field field="form_submit" output="bootstrap" value="Submit 1" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"] [cred_field field="form_submit" output="bootstrap" value="Submit 2" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"] Then in functions.php: add_filter('cred_success_redirect', 'custom_redirect_form_abc',10,3); function custom_redirect_form_abc($url, $post_id, $form_data) { if ($form_data['id']==12345){ if (isset($_POST['form_submit_2'])) { $url = ""; } } return $url; } Note that the "form_submit_2" key may need to be modified in your site. Log or dump the $_POST superglobal to find the appropriate key when you submit using the second submit button. You must also set the Form to redirect to some existing post or page in wp-admin, or the redirect override code will not work. Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 3 | vor 6 Jahren, 3 Monaten | |
Edit Form in Template not shown
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: Tools form for editing post does not work as expected with Elementor templates. Solution: Here is a workaround by custom codes, see it here: Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 5 | vor 6 Jahren, 3 Monaten | |
Post delete link -> directing to next page not working with a second class in it
Gestartet von: SteffenM1628
in: Toolset Professional Support
Problem: Solution: For example: [cred_delete_post_link action='trash' text='Job löschen' redirect='547' message_after='Beitrag wurde gelöscht' message='Wollen Sie diesen Beitrag wirklich löschen?' message_show='1' class='btn btn-danger cred-refresh-after-delete' ] Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 3 | vor 6 Jahren, 3 Monaten |