1) You can see (all ikages, but see 001) that 'gallery' what you 'fixed' is 'gallery' of 'Playa de Cabo Pasado' (2 thumbnails), but there are still (wrong, full size, displayed images also from 'Playa de Canoa' - 6 BIG images).
==> There is some incompatibility while rendering the view. What I've done is I've created a new content template and inside that I've added the [wpv-for-each] shortcode. As you can see with following URL:
=> enlace oculto
Then I've added the content template to elementor's shortcode box:
[wpv-post-body view_template="display-images"]
I see it's displaying correct images now.
2) Same is with 'Tipo de sitio' field group (there are ALL SIX SITES listed). It is not just to hide Title of the section.
==> I already explain you that you need to adjust jQuery code as per your HTML. If you do not know how to code jquery - please contact our certified partners.
3) Images 002, 003 and 004 (3 different sites) shows the SAME CONTENT. 'Funny' part is that image 004 should to be EMPTY as site is without ANY FILLED FIELD. 'Playa de Canoa' should to have ONLY 6 images (and not BIG, full size) and 'Playa de Cabo Pasado' should to have ONLY two images.
==> I can see for both posts correct images.
4) If you 'fixed' code in Gallery View code, than both 'sites' with images should to have thumbnails (not full size images), or I'm wrong? And one more time, there is no clear what you 'fixed' exactly, as yudidn't write it (so, how to follow you???).
==> both posts have now thumbnails.
5) Equally, for 'Tipo de sitio' you did something in Elementor (direct coding), instead in View, as issue is that Views are not displayed properly. However, that was obviously wrong, as for post didn't appear ANY FILED and/or TITLE, despite that 'site' contain filled fields (Playa costera ....). For such reason, I 'reduced' Elementor Template just on two filed groups Views. For example you should to compare front 'sites posts views' of one of two beaches (Playa de Canoa and Playa de Cabo Pasado - with filled fields) and (ie) 'Parque de Canoa' as it is EMPTY (without any filled field).
==> You should try to use content template instead of views.