Thank you for sharing the update and glad that the slider/gallery is working now.
1. The Controls are not showing, the left and right arrows
- In the page's output, I couldn't find the code for the left and right navigation arrows, mentioned in step 4.
Screenshot: enlace oculto
Please make sure that it has been included.
Also, the round navigation indicators are not showing properly, because of the repeated code:
<ol class="carousel-indicators">
<li> ... </li>
Screenshot: enlace oculto
Please make sure that it is included only once.
enlace oculto
2. How do we show thumbnails
- As can be seen in the demo, the Bootstrap carousel that you're using doesn't support thumbnails based navigation.
enlace oculto
If you'd just like to show the available image thumbnails below the slider, you can create a copy of your view from step 2 and remove the extra HTML code from its output, only keeping the image tag:
Screenshot: enlace oculto
That new view can then be inserted below the slider.
3. The lightbox shows the text: 'slider-image Item 3 of 3' how do we change that
- You'll find that text in the image tags shown in step 2.
Screenshot: enlace oculto
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.