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[Resuelto] Add Select Box Next To Loop Items

This support ticket is created hace 7 años, 2 meses. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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Supporter timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

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Este tema contiene 5 respuestas, tiene 2 mensajes.

Última actualización por marcusC-4 hace 7 años, 2 meses.

Asistido por: Noman.


I am trying to add a select option next to my loop items. I'd like for users to be able to choose one the one they want & then have the details (custom field data) be added to their product in WooCommerce.

Here is the URL where you can see what I'm trying to do: enlace oculto

You have to enter GHE2017 to view the site.

In the Description area, you can choose a date & location. Those details were setup using a custom post type called "Course Dates" that is a child post type of Products.

I used this help thread to create the "Select" option:

Once someone selects the date & location they want, how do I add that data their shopping cart? I just need a way to show them on the shopping cart which date & location they chose.

I will also want to add that same information to their confirmation email & their profile, but I hope the same process will work for all 3 instances.

I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you have any questions or are able to help.





Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Hi Marcus,

Thank you for contacting Toolset Support.

Our Woocommerce Views plugin is not able to modify the Checkout and Cart page templates.
You are only able to modify your Shop and product pages with woocommerce views.
So if you want to modify your Checkout and Cart pages you will need to modify the woocommerce php templates for these pages.

I suggest you to use WooCommerce product variation instead of adding Select option in Product Description. Here is related doc that can help you:

Thank you



Thank you for the reply & info. I would use their Variables add-on except that I need to be able to make the Variable into child posts of another post type (called Courses). I’m using the LearnDash plugin & trying to find a way to create live courses with multiple dates & locations. It’s surprisingly more complicated than I anticipated. Seems like something a lot of people would want to do.

Anyway, I’ll look into the WooCommerce files or see if there’s a way to create a plugin that automatically inserts the Types fields into the cart for me.




Sorry, I need to reopen this -- forgot to ask an important question: how do I display the "selected" option on the front-end?

What would be the php or Types code to pass along the user’s selection?





Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Hello Marcus,

How do I display the "selected" option on the front-end?
==> You can display any custom field by creating a Content Template for the products. And you may also want to use WooCommerce Views to add various WC options / shortcodes in the content template:

I would suggest to put your dropdown options as a custom field outside of description, like any other custom field attached to the product / post. Because the description is not submitted when we add a product to the cart.

Not quite sure what code to use but you can try to use Types API for Select field and/or other fields, it also has usage sample php code:

Thank you


Sounds good. I’ll look into this. I appreciate the advice & resources.



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