Excuse me, when we are editing the page (using elementor), we press the page update, two situations will occur
1. Automatically generate a page layout, such as the attached file Figure 1
2. The page template will change from the full width of elementor to the default template, as shown in Figure 2 of the attached file
This situation will cause the page to become blank on one side (such as the attached file in Figure 3)
How to eliminate this situation, or what caused it, we are sure that Related settings are not pressed
Hello, I suspect this is related to an issue that was recently introduced when the Types plugin updates were automatically pushed in wp-admin but Views and Layouts updates were not automatically pushed: https://toolset.com/errata/many-back-end-links-unexpectedly-redirecting-to-create-new-layout-with-wordpress-5-6/
It might not be obvious that the Views and Layouts plugins need to be updated, since automatic updates are not being prompted for these plugins right now.
We recommend you manually update the Views plugin (if you are using Views) and the Layouts plugin by downloading the latest version from https://toolset.com/account/downloads/#legacy-plugins
This should resolve the issue where a new Layout is generated incorrectly. If this does not completely resolve the problem, please let me know and I can take a closer look.
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