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Adding Custom CSS to Templates, Archives and Views en WordPress

Toolset allows you to add Custom CSS styling to your templates, archives, and Views.

You can add custom CSS to Toolset elements directly from the Block Editor. On the front-end, this styling loads only for those elements and not globally.

Steps for adding CSS to a Content Template

  1. Go to Toolset Content Templates and click the Content Template you wish to edit.
  2. In the right sidebar, scroll to the CSS editor section with a text area for entering your code.
Adding custom CSS to a Content Template

Steps for adding CSS to a WordPress Archive

  1. Go to Toolset WordPress Archives and click the archive you want to edit.
  2. In the right sidebar, make sure you’re on the WordPress Archive tab.
  3. Expand the Custom CSS and JS section and paste the code into the Custom CSS text area.
Adding custom CSS to a WordPress Archive

Click the pencil icon to open a pop-up dialog for more convenient pasting and editing of your custom code.

Steps for adding CSS to a View

  1. Edit the page, or a template, with the View you want to add CSS to.
  2. Select the View in block navigation. 
  3. In the right sidebar expand the Custom JS and CSS section and paste the code into the Custom CSS text area.
Adding custom CSS to a View

Click the pencil icon to open a pop-up dialog for more convenient pasting and editing of your custom code.