Brian Newhall – bpnWebTech

Contact developer
Type of work:

Add new features, Build a new site, Develop the functionality of the site, Give detailed consulting about a potential project, Help me develop something, Troubleshoot and fix problems, Update or fix an existing site, Visual design

Project size:
  • Personal
  • Small Business

I can maintain sites

Site categories:

Blog, Broschüre, E-Commerce, Education, Kleinanzeigen und Verzeichnisse, Mitgliedschaft

Favorite WordPress themes:

Astra, Custom Theme, Oxygen

Project budget:

Minimum budget is 500 USD

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bpnWebTech provides end-to-end professional services for each stage of web design, development, deployment, and beyond.

Things I Can Help With

Everyone has different comfort levels with WordPress and technology in general. My work style is flexible and tailored to each client. Some clients give direction as to what they are looking for and I make it happen. Others prefer a more hands-on approach where we divide up the work. 


Build and launch a new website or redesign an older website. Experienced working with e-commerce, membership sites, learning management systems, and custom database apps.


Custom code styling, themes, and child themes. Custom post types and custom fields. Improve page load speed and basic SEO


Security configuration and scans. Disaster recovery backup management. Updating plugins, themes, and WordPress core. Uptime monitoring

Toolset user since: Juni, 2019

Contractor since: März, 2020

United States of America


Free 1-hour Consultation


give advice and guidance after listening to the goals and requirements of your project
suggest what plugin and/or theme options could be a good fit
give a ballpark estimate of cost and timeframe to complete the project

All-in-one, worry-free basic website solution | Managed hosting of personal, small business, or non-profit websites

500 USD

Provide Core WordPress Managed Hosting

  • 1 vCPU
  • 25GB SSD Storage
  • 1GB Dedicated RAM
  • 1TB Bandwidth
  • 20K Estimated Monthly Visits
  • 10 International Data Centers

Provide Security

  • Free SSL (https://)
  • Daily Malware Scanning
  • Web Application Firewall (Hosted WAF stops malicious traffic before it reaches your site.)
  • Nightly Backups
  • Plugin and Theme Updates

Provide Website Performance

  • Mobile-friendly, Responsive Design
  • Website Analytics
  • 24 Hour Uptime Monitoring
  • Image Optimization And Page Cache - Fast Page Loading

Provide Features

  • Free Email Accounts - 3 Free @yourdomain Email Accounts Per Hosted Site.
  • Integrate - Social Media Posts
  • Access To Premium WordPress Themes and Plugins
  • E-commerce | Online Payment Gateways

Provide Customization

  • Custom Post Types
  • Custom Fields
  • Custom Forms
  • Custom CSS and JavaScript
  • Customized Admin Dashboard

Provide Personalized Support

  • On-call Support
  • 2 Hours Support/Troubleshooting/Updates Included Each Month - Discount Rate $40/HOUR Additional Work As Needed/Approved.
  • Priority Scheduling On New Projects
  • Two Months FREE With Annual Payment Plan
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