I expect the problem is that when using an Elementor template the context of the current post is lost to such Toolset shortcodes.
Can you try the same in a template made with Toolset?
I suspect it may work if you add the shortcode to an unassigned Content Template and then insert that template (via the wpv-post-body shortcode) into the Elementor template, rather than inserting the shortcode directly.
Still doesn't work.
I created an unassigned content template with the shortcode and called it "next shortcode".
Then I inserted the shortcode into the elementor single post templet like this:
For the 'next' and 'previous' post links, the published date is used for deciding the adjacent posts.
And if you check the published dates of your website's "Works" posts, there are just two groups based on the published dates.
( screenshot: enlace oculto )
a). 2 posts are published on 2022/08/01 at 8:12 am
b). The rest of the 38 posts are are published on 2022/08/01 at 8:04 am
( the exact same published dates suggest that these posts were imported )
For the 'next' and 'previous' post links to work correctly, you'll need to make sure that these posts have distinct published dates, so that they can follow an order.
I see, thanks Waqar.
I indeed changed the minute of publication hour in each post and now that works. But the question is, is there a way to make this work not according to time, but alphabetically, because in the future I will import posts via wp-all-import, which would make some posts import at the same minute and I don't want to go over manually and change dates all the time...