I installed the Module Manager, imported the content (which by the way the images didn't import and are not showing). Went to View click in edit Portfolio slider with Thumbnails, changed the Content Selection to Anuncios.
I don't know which filter to use, so I clicked on ID and chose Posts with IDs set by this URL parameter.
Went to template for this View and changed the slug to "fotos-para-anuncio"
Added the View to Elementor's Theme Builder Template to test... and this is what it shows - enlace oculto
I was expecting something along the lines of what I already have on this template for the Images... only showing the images of that custom post.
People mean different things when they talk about sliders and there is a crucial point that needs clarifying before describing how to do this.
That is, is your slider supposed to transition between posts, i.e. each slide shows fields from one post, or is your slider supposed to transition between fields belonging to the same post.
So if you have an image field that can have multiple values, the slider should rotate through those images of a single post.
The techniques are very different depending on which of these you are aiming for. (The example you linked to is to rotate between different posts.)
What I want is very similar to what I have currently with Elementor. I want to show the images of the custom posts as a slider. The slug for the multiple images custom field is fotos-para-anuncio.
What method should I be using?
If I can replace Elementor's slider then I can use Toolset's Template and make my life easier.
Btw, is the Layout being deprecated since the use of Glutenberg styling method?
I was reading the Bootstrap 4 document here: enlace oculto
And it seems that they have a carousel that is very similar to the one I currently have with Elementor.
My question is this:
1) Correct me if I'm wrong but Toolset already loads Bootstrap 4 CSS files, right?
2) If so, I can basically use this Bootstrap 4 carousel instead of Elementor's one, right?
3) If so, how do I put my multiple image custom field into Bootstrap 4 html code to get the images from the post to display?
4) And how do I control the dimension of the images?
Thanks for your help. If you have any other solution where I can create a carousel similar to Elementor's without using another plugin, I'm open for suggestions.
OK, when displaying one post you want to display the images belonging to a custom field of that post as a slider, got it.
The instructions you started out with refer to the different kind of slider, where each slide comes from a different post.
When I visit your latest link, I notice that you have a JavaScript error in the console, arising from using $ for jQuery when the shortcut hasn't been assigned yet.
You should change '$' to 'jQuery' in such code, or set it up like so so that you can continue to use $:
( function( $ ) {
$( document ).ready( function(){
// Your code here
})( jQuery );
Now, I notice that the arrows are working (when you hover the main image) but they have styling issues.
I suspect that is because of a clash in the flexslider CSS and the Bootstrap 4 CSS. If you go to Toolset > Settings and disable Bootstrap you may find the problem with the arrows fixed. If you want to be able to continue to use Bootstrap 4 you would need to use your browser dev tools to examine the CSS rules being applied to identify what you can change to fix the problem.
As for the absence of the thumbnails the most likely explanation is you didn't include the JS option for thumbnails when initialising the flexslider, as described at the bottom of the example page at enlace oculto
Thus my assumption was that I was missing the data-thumb in order to show the thumbnail. So I just repeated but using the shortcode wpv for each and type.
I also noticed that after adding this code below to JS, the dots below that showed how many pictures disappeared.